Pic: Isn’t my grandbaby just adorable? I get to hang out with him at least once a week, and he is such a joy.
I’ve missed journaling, so I am going back to it, even just a sentence or two every day. Anyone else feel this…like, every day, I learn something, but the next day, I can’t remember what that brilliant flash of something is. I had journaled daily the whole year before I turned 50 in August and that had felt good. So I have decided to re-establish the habit.
This insight came as I have been reading some inspirational and just plain good books lately. One of them is—language warning—You are a bad*** at making money by Jen Sincero.
I’d wanted to read her book for a long time and heard a sample on Youtube, which then invited me to sign up for Audible. I was driving on the freeway, frustrated at not getting the rest of the book, so I was like, okay, fine! I pulled over, signed up for the free trial, and now I am hooked on Audible! (Sucker!) I listen to it in the car on my commute to see my grandbaby, while walking the dog, and during chores where I don’t have to focus too hard.
Jen’s not only funny but her wisdom is hard-hitting. I can identify with that lifelong mantra ingrained in me that wanting to make money is somehow bad. But in reality, wealth—both temporal and spiritual—means freedom and opportunity.
Since embarking on the wealth mindset journey at the start of this year, I have taken steps to make my dreams come true. Here are some things I have done since I’ve taken the leap.
1.I started making TikTok videos. I decided, why not? It takes a few minutes and it’s a free platform. Besides, the video also posts on FB and Instagram, so triple exposure for one video. I haven’t been brave enough to make videos with me in them, but maybe it will come in time. Meanwhile I am creating content, so progress.
2.I was trying to make a decision regarding my business trajectory. Lo and behold, after learning about manisfesting dreams and sending it out to the universe, I got an email about a free vision board workshop which will be super helpful.
3.I increased my FB ad spend, kept some running and turned some off. It’s been profitable so far.
4.So many income stream ideas have popped into my head. I will need to prioritize it all, but I feel so rejuvenated and excited at the prospect of pursuing them.
The next book I’ve started listening to is James Clear’s 𝘈𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘏𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘵𝘴. Mind-blown, guys. But that’ll be for another post.
Have a great weekend! What books are you reading nowadays?