NaNoWriMo Day 13: What’s your tiller?

Today, after hankering for a lightweight tiller to clear the weeds from my flower bed for over two decades, I finally convinced my husband (and myself, overcoming the guilt of getting such a pricey gas-powered tool) to get one.

In the past, I usually thought about getting one the start or end of the season. But then I’d balk at the price, they wouldn’t have one at the store, or I’d be overwhelmed with all my choices online, so I hobbled along through life with a shovel and rake, taking at least a couple of mornings every few weeks to clear my weed patch, er, flower bed. As an author who lets her house go during drafts, edits, and marketing (which means all the time), I could never stay on top of this.

At first, putting my 25cc Mantis tiller together was confusing and downright nerve-wracking. But eventually, the hubby and I figured it out. Within an hour, I had that thing gassed up and running. What would have taken me multiple mornings by shovel got done in 15 minutes.

In your author’s life, is there some writing tool, how-to book, course or retreat that you have been hankering for for a long time? What has kept you from getting it? If it is cost, why haven’t you made a plan to save up for it? If you aren’t sure if it’s worth doing, and you’ve checked with others to make sure it’s legit, then the only way to know is to do it.

One of my author acquaintances asked me if I had an opinion on an author course. I didn’t personally, but I told her I had heard good things. She obviously was excited about the prospect but still was unsure. I encouraged her to do it—that she owed it to herself.

For me, it’s my Talia planner. As customized, it is pricey. However, it has been a sanity saver, helping me keep track of important dates, goals, and information. I love looking at and using it. It is the first planner system that I’ve actually been able to stick to for longer than a year.

What’s your “tiller”?