Writer’s Ballad

Pink Think: ” Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” – Lao Tzu

Photo by gkojaxlabo on Photobucket

If I am a writer

Then why do I play my fingers to the nub
On a cheap Ibanez guitar
And sing Tears in Heaven like I mean it?

If I am a writer

Then why do I have a rock concert tomorrow
In a military base, not a Big One
But which feels like it has a lot riding on it?

If I am a writer

Then why do I spend much of my day
Singing songs other people wrote
Or thinking up songs I could sing.

My Music overwhelms the Writing
Shouting to be heard

Perhaps it is enough for now
That I write at the tire store waiting for my truck;
In snatches at home or waiting for a soccer kid

In between my music

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