What is a Blog? 4

Pink Think: “It is hard to check five email inboxes, three voice mail systems, or five blogs that you are tracking.” – David Rose

I am taking part in a group project spearheaded by Daniel Scocco of Daily Blog Tips which is an attempt to answer the age-old question, “What is a Blog?”

Here’s my take on it. To me, a blog is:

1. Instant readership and feedback. When I write freelance magazine articles, I finally see the fruits of my labor MONTHS later. In contrast, I can blog about something timely and see it online seconds later!

2. An online community. I have made many friends through blogging. I cannot believe how many writers I have “met” this way, and I’ve learned so much.

3. A fun creative outlet. I love experimenting and personalizing my blog and saying, “Here I am!” to the world.

On the flip side, a blog is:

1. A time-waster. Unless you blog for a living, a blog can suck time away from other, worthwhile things. I have not been as productive writing fiction now that I blog and track other blogs. I have to really discipline myself and limit my time, or unplug.

2. A distraction from my family. I blog when the family is asleep. Otherwise, it seems silly to be making all these friends online when I am not interacting with my kids.

3. A way to avoid chores. I could be weeding the garden, right now, for instance.

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4 thoughts on “What is a Blog?

  • ~paulette

    agreed, on both ends. i started getting into the blogging world when i lived in bullhead. it kept me from going insane all by myself and let me still feel connected to the world. Course, now that i have net at my home 🙂 it definately becomes a time-waster and chore-destracter

  • Pink Ink

    Paulette: it certainly is amazing being able to connect with people around the world.

    q: I also like Blogger’s feature where my blogroll sorts blogs by the most recently updated. That way I don’t have to scroll through all of it…

  • K. M. Walton

    I am new to blogging, as you know from reading my one post. You put it perfectly, and like Paulette, I agree with both ends. It is really exciting to connect with people around the world, yet, it can get addicting and distracting.

    Oh heck, addiction and distraction be damned. It’s so much fun.