Spring Cleaning

Pink Think: “Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love!” – Sitting Bull

art from the Gilroy Dispatch

Yesterday, I took a break from writing and cleared the clutter in my bedroom. Then, with my kids’ help, I cleared my flower beds of the dead stuff from the winter. In a few weeks, my tulips will be blooming once again.

Spring cleaning: it’s one of those things I hate to do but I’m always glad after the fact.

(We are also in the process of looking for horse property and putting up our house for sale, so I had a second purpose other than clearing out the junk.)

As I sifted through my piles, I unearthed a manuscript of one of my earliest novels from four years ago, Ghost Moon Night. I read my dedication to my oldest daughter “for believing”. She got me through that one, with her excitement and suggestions. I hefted it in my hands and I honestly could not remember the angst I went through to get that story into its final form. Like childbirth. 🙂

I was a little sad for this story that never saw the light of day, but I took a deep breath, patted it fondly and stored it in my proverbial trunk. Even if it may never be published, I still love that baby.

I am still writing, but I am no longer wild-eyed about it. My obsessive compulsion is spent and I am taking a more sane approach to this art. There is a house to clean, a yard to tidy up, and a family to enjoy.

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