My List of Influential People

Pink Think: “You don’t have to be a “person of influence” to be influential. In fact, the most influential people in my life are probably not even aware of the things they’ve taught me.” –Scott Adams

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Author Ann Cannon wrote a post on her blog about people who have influenced her in her writing career. Her post was inspired by the book Making a Literary Life, where “the lovely and generous-hearted Carolyn See advises writers to make a quick, un-fancy list of influential (doesn’t have to be in a good way) people in their lives. See maintains that we often draw our characters from these individuals and our relationship to them.”

Here’s mine:

-An English professor at Utah State, Helen Cannon, for giving me permission to use my true voice

-The editor of the Utah State University newspaper, who was also my first journalism professor, for publicly critiquing my first newspaper piece and praising it, planting the seed that hey, maybe I can be a journalist!

-my dad, for pushing me to do my best early on, for being a brilliant writer (and role model for good writing), and for telling me I shouldn’t go into writing/journalism because it doesn’t pay well (I rebelled, obviously)

-my mom, for letting me tag along to the States, which allowed me to change from business to English major and have tons of material for my writings later on, and also so I could meet…

-my husband, for being so supportive with my dreams, even though I am not making tons of money writing freelance, and not making money yet on my fiction writing

Who has influenced YOU in your own life?

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