Kindle Scout Day 2


While I was on the Kindle Boards looking for a profile avatar, I unearthed this pic, an old cartoon of “me” done by the talented Elizabeth Mueller. I love how she meshes my love of historical (the 18th century dress), fantastical stories (the mermaid tail) and my Philippine roots.

Still waiting on the edits and then my KS book shall make its grand entrance into the world. I promise. Meanwhile, I have been lurking on Kindle Boards. Oh my heck, there’s this whole big world out there of authors who are working super hard to get their books out into the world. My hats off to them. I don’t know that I have that kind of focus. Some days, my ambition is just to finish my current work in progress and collaborate with other authors on promotions on a casual basis.

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A friend came to my booth at a community event yesterday, and, seeing my books on the table, said, “Hey, you look legit.” If you can’t dazzle people with quality, quantity is the next best, is my motto. Kidding.

Seeing my book up on Kindle Scout among other books, some labeled as “hot and trending,” a massive case of self-doubt assailed me. I’ve got some serious competition.

And then I thought of my daughter’s soccer game today. They went from a losing record four years ago to making this year’s second round of state playoffs. They didn’t win today, but darn did they give their highly-ranked opponent a scare on home turf. They played the best they ever have. If they had listened to their inner critics a long time ago and given up, they’d never have gotten where they are today.

If I judge my writing based on others, I am sure I will find someone who can make me feel inferior. Especially in this day and age of social media, where you read about author friends winning awards and hitting bestseller lists. However, the more I write books and learn my craft, the better I will get. Someday, I know I will hit my stride. That might mean bestseller status. Stellar reviews. Fan mail. Respect from other authors. Awards. But until then, I can still be a legit author.

I can still craft my stories and put them out there for a fan base that will keep growing as I grow as an author. To those of you who have given my books a chance, thank you! 🌺