Go for it! 10

Pink Think: “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars and change the world.” – Harriet Tubman

This past week, my family has been vacationing in Moab, Utah. Last night, while my husband was off-roading with two other guys (more on this later), I took the kids to dinner. Good, but overpriced. Still, it paid off in other ways. I spotted Dr. Justine Lee, who is a veterinarian like my husband and who has published a funny pet book, “It’s a dog’s life, but it’s your carpet” which you can check out here. I introduced myself and I enjoyed talking to her. Some things I came away with:

1. She had two dreams: to be a vet and to write this book. She did both with the attitude that she should go for it. When I told her about my dream of getting published, she said, “Go for it!”

2. Although she was at first concerned about her family’s reaction while writing this book, ultimately, she went ahead and did it.

3. She doesn’t worry too much about how this book is doing on the Amazon charts. She tracks it some, but doesn’t let it rule her life.

After this post, I’m going to take her advice and “go for it.”

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10 thoughts on “Go for it!

  • Shari

    I love the picture of you with the horse. They are such beautiful animals. I didn’t know your husband was a veterinarian. Why didn’t I know that? My daughter wants to be a vet when she grows up. As for the publishing, of course you should go for it! You rock, Jewel!

  • Weston Elliott

    The really funny part is that her hubby was my vet before Jewel and I ever met! Tickled me pink to find that out.

    It’s really cool that you got to talk to someone who was a writer and come away with such good things! I love it when you find someone who has the same interests as you do, and is supportive of you doing it. It gives you such a boost.

  • Jewel Allen

    Wendy, I love meeting other writers. I always come away with something that really helps me out on my journey, gives me a boost. And particularly ones that my husband has vetted out as being fun people (that’s YOU, pun intended).

    Jeff, thanks for stopping by. I feel like the stakes are higher for me this year. I’ve ratcheted up my goals since I joined a writer’s group (which I can never thank Shanna enough for inviting me) and attended my first LDS Storymakers Conference two years ago. It’s exciting and terrifying all at the same time.

  • Queen of Chaos

    It takes courage to write but it also takes encouragment. I need my share of both in order to write this novel I find myself in the middle of!

    Sometimes you have courage inside of you and you feel on top of the world as you pursue your writing. Other times your courage is weak inside and that’s where the encouragment keeps you going.

    And your in the right place for encouragement, girl! Blogging with other wanna-be writers and published writers is the best dose of encouragement, EVER! It’s helped me so much.

    Cheers to you! Best wishes and remember when you feel low on your courage come get some encouragement on the blog! 🙂

  • berlinwritergirl

    Sometime you have to just go for it. Right now my printer is printing my full novel to take to Idaho in a few days. The agents who requested my partial are going to be there doing a workshop and so I decided it could not hurt to drive up there and let them meet me. I am crossing my fingers that something good will come from going for it.