Food on my mind


What I brought home from the store today

My Facebook friends probably think I have food on my mind lately, and it’s true. 🙂 What with all the pics and posts I have been doing. It is certainly a change from when I used to mindlessly shop at the store. “Chips! Oreos! Cheetos!” All on sale right where I can reach at the checkout stand. Today, I stood at the checkout line and noticed all the sale items within tempting distance: cereal, Monster energy drink, chips. Not too long ago, I would impulse buy similar things. But today, I was stocking up on some fruits that I can eat with my family.

Eating healthy certainly takes a lot more time. I have spent many hours in the kitchen this past week, cooking from scratch. Cutting up vegetables. My dogs come in a lot to the kitchen, which means that I am cutting up crunchy stuff that they hope will fall from the counter like manna from heaven.

I wondered last night, looking at my post about my hubby’s fries if I am depriving myself. But when I looked at the pic of the healthy things I am eating, I decided I wasn’t missing out. In fact, I am discovering food as I have never before.

I am a writer. This is how I process my experiences. So I will be writing and posting about this because I have never ever, in my whole life, experienced such a drastic change for the better, and I feel it worthy of chronicling. Maybe not very many will actually read it, but I want to be able to look back at this time and save my impressions. I don’t anticipate converting people to healthy eating, but I hope someone might be inspired, as I have, to rethink their habits. I never expected, that at 44, I have much to learn, but I do.