Boys Are Grand 17

Pink Think: “A boy is a magical creature–you can lock him out of your workshop, but you can’t lock him out of your heart.” – Allan Beck

[photo by smyl, poem by Jewel Allen]

Shoes outgrown all too soon
Socks strewn across the room
Spicy anti-perspirant
Cleats and bumpy soccer games
Giant holes on jeans’ knees
Legos, Star Wars sure to please
Uncombed wild curly hair
Sticks and string everywhere.

Heart as big as his shoes
Smooth cheek to collect my kiss
Half-wriggling from my grasp
but half-melting in my hug
Opening my car door like his dad
shy smile when I compliment
Always glad to lend a hand
makes me think that boys are grand!

Happy 11th birthday to my son Wesley!

What do YOU love about boys?

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17 thoughts on “Boys Are Grand

  • Elizabeth

    Hi there, thank you for stopping by the other day. πŸ™‚ Great poem! I love boys, and hope to have a few of my own someday. Happy Birthday to your son! πŸ™‚ Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

  • Jannie Funster

    I have only a girl but my friends must all like their boys, they haven’t given them away yet.

    But seriously, what I like about littel boys is they are all pretty nice to my girl. And she likes most of them too!

    And I like boys because they grow into to men and there are soooo many wonderful men in the world — hey I’m happily married but who says I can’t appreciate all the great guys I meet?

  • Pink Ink

    Janna: Thanks!

    Candy: Welcome! My son feels outnumbered sometimes. How fun for you to have two.

    Laurel: Cool for you, being respected. Keep it up, you’re doing something right :-).

    Colby: Thanks!

    Lance: Yes, of course girls are grand, too :-).

    Rachelle: Thanks so much! Glad you stop by to see me :-).

    MNH: I love all my kids, ya know, but my son is pretty special to me, too.

    Jamie: Isn’t it cool when they burst out of their comfort zone? I love that image of your son dancing crazy :-).

    Elizabeth: Thanks, too, for visiting!

    Jannie: Nice to see you! Both boys and girls make the world a fun place, I agree :-).

    Marivic: Thanks! I remember your post about your son and his pals, too. Isn’t it great to see the world through our sons’ eyes? πŸ™‚

    Tammy: Yeah, 11’s pretty sweet.

    Suz: A fun adventure, for sure!

  • Pink Ink

    Elizabeth: Maybe outwardly, he’ll pull away, but my boy, I know, still likes my hugs. I’m on to him… πŸ™‚

    Danifer: Thanks, and welcome.:-) I thought I’d have a hard time relating, too, until I volunteered in cub scouts when he turned 8. That helped out a lot!