Best Fish and Chips In or Around Salt Lake City

UPDATE: Since making a Youtube video and publishing this post, I heard from many who mentioned Little Taste of Britain in Layton, Utah. On April 19, I happened to be in Layton, so I stopped in to try it. Scroll down to see how it stacks against the others.

It all started because I wanted an air fryer.

I was looking at different brands. My friends were recommending some and I’d been looking online at the different models. In the process of looking for an air fryer, I got into a discussion with my husband and one of the things that came up was being able to cook fish and chips in it. We are also planning a trip to England in the fall, and England is known for it.

I ended up not buying an air fryer but I got a craving for fish and chips so we went to a restaurant. I was super disappointed. I told my husband, “I want to know where the best fish and chips are along the Wasatch Front.” I made a Facebook post getting recommendations from friends and I got so many suggestions. I got kind of excited because I had all these places to try.

I also scoured the internet, looked up reviews, and read threads and comments on Reddit. One of the Reddit threads came up, and I was struck with how opinionated they were. One said he was a fish and chips fiend and he had a list of restaurants and included his top one. Turns out there are a lot of fish and chips “fiends” out there.

At first, I planned to go once every week. But I ended up doing back to back ones over three weeks so I could fairly judge each while my memories were fresh. My criteria: 1) It’s recommended either by friends or on internet reviews, 2) It’s not a national chain, and 3) It’s within an hour or so of Salt Lake City. I also didn’t try super expensive places to keep my list reasonable and affordable for families. Even so, I spent a whopping $157.36 on the whole venture (for one serving, not including taxes, tips and other items). On the plus side, I lost three pounds.

If you’d like to watch this post on YouTube, click here. Here are my recommendations, in reverse order:

11. Porcupine Pub & Grille, Cottonwood Heights

My husband and I went to Porcupine Pub & Grille at Cottonwood Heights in the middle of the afternoon. It wasn’t really crowded. You can tell just by looking around that it was a ski crowd. People were wearing ski outfits and looked like they’d had a lot of fun in the mountains.

I ordered their fish and chips for $26.99 and my husband ordered their seafood pasta special. When I got my fish and chips, I was surprised because for the price the fish seemed kind of small. But I gave it a try. It was quite meaty and not greasy. All in all, it was good, but it was a bit of money for what you got.

Cost: $26.99

Porcupine Pub & Grille Website

10. The Outpost, Grantsville

I first went to The Outpost on the west end of Main Street in Grantsville. I’ve loved the food at The Outpost on the west end of Main Street in Grantsville, so I had high hopes.

It was close to noon but the place wasn’t too busy yet. Which was good. Although I’ve developed a thicker skin vlogging at restaurants, I feel more comfortable if I’m not out where everyone can see me. I requested a booth by the window and was ushered to one.

From the get-go, I told my 20-something server what I was doing. That he shouldn’t take it personally if I were to try just a few bites, and then take home the rest. I was on a quest to find the best fish and chips.

“Ooh,” he said, his eyes lighting up, “that sounds fun.”

I wanted to say, “Yeah, at first it sounded super fun, too. Nowadays it feels a little like I’m force-feeding myself fish and fries every time I’ve eaten out the past three weeks. But somebody’s gotta do it.” Instead, I smiled and said, “Yeah, it is.”

The fish and chips meal came with three pieces of breaded cod, steak fries, coleslaw, and soup. I wasn’t going to get soup, but when he said shrimp chowder, I had to try it. It was so good, with some plump shrimp, scallops, and soft potato in a creamy sauce. I took a couple of bites so I would have room for the main event, but I could have kept going.

My server brought out a plate with massive steak fries and three pieces of fish. The fish was nicely crisp with a light flavor. The coleslaw was excellent, some of the best I’ve had.

After I got my taste and footage and paid, I passed my server on my way out. He said, “Enjoy your day and good luck with your quest for the best.”

Cost: 14.99

The Outpost Facebook page

9. Hook and Ladder Co., Salt Lake City

I suppose I could’ve guessed as much that a restaurant with a name of Hook and Ladder would have something to do with firefighters, considering I write firefighter romances. But I didn’t. So it was with pleasant surprise that I pulled up into a parking lot at this Glendale, Utah, icon and saw a red firehouse-themed building.

Inside, on one wall separating the kitchen from the dining area was a tribute to the local fire unit. There were booths along the window and a bistro table. I chose to sit at the bistro table, thinking it would be more visually appealing for when I could set up a shot of myself sitting at it. I did get a shot, but cut off the restaurant name. By the time I realized it, however, a woman and her preteen son had claimed that booth.

The one thing I am learning on my quest for the best fish and chips along the Wasatch Front is that coming between meals is easier to film because that way I don’t have a crowd to feel self-conscious around, plus I could sometimes borrow another table so I could set up my camera on it.

One of the things that sets this place apart from the other ones I’ve gone to so far is that there’s a lot more choices on the menu than just fish and chips which would make my husband happy.

They had burgers, tacos, ice cream and more. While I was waiting for my order, a customer asked for a burger with a fried egg over easy. It might be one of those secret combinations that isn’t available on the menu and I might just try that sometime.

I had the seafood special which was three pieces of fish, six shrimp, fries, and a toasted roll.

The fish was crisp on the outside and flaky on the inside so that was delicious but I realized that I prefer a meatier fish. The fries were OK—kind of on the thin side which dried them out just a little bit. It was nice to have all the sauces. My fish actually tasted really good with a malt vinegar.

It cost about $14 which is on the lower end of fish and chips that I’ve tried so far and it’s a really good value.

The best thing? The atmosphere is just really fun. The whole fire house theme makes it all special.

Next door is a floral shop which also carries over that vintage theme and it is just chock-full of all this antique stuff like phones and decorations, plus knickknacks like typewriters. There’s a sign that says that none of them are for sale so it’s really super interesting like going to a museum. And then somewhere buried in this building is a counter where the florist is.

I talk to the lady behind the counter, and I asked her if hook and ladder was a chain. When I was googling it before I had that impression. But I was wrong. It’s not a chain. Hook and Ladder was started by the owner because he loved firefighting even though he wasn’t even in that profession.

So my verdict on Hook and Ladder is it has a well-deserved reputation for a good dining experience because of the nostalgia and also because of the unique and fun atmosphere. Another plus is that if you’re ever dragging your spouse to yet another fish and chips restaurant, they can order something else off the menu and everybody can be happy.

Cost: 13.99

8. Tin Roof Grill, Sandy

After the show, Drew and I went to the Tin Roof Grill roof, where I had — yep, you guessed it– fish and chips. While waiting for our order, I studied a framed sign on the wall—Guy Fieri made this a stop on his Dives and Diners show.

The fish is haddock. The serving portion is the biggest that I’ve had so far. It was crunchy and meaty but some of it was mostly batter. Where I did bite into the fish however, it was succulent and moist. My husband got their ribeye steak. This was actually the reason why we chose to go there — because he could have a steak while I ate fish and chips yet again. My fish and chips cost $19.50 while dessert was eight bucks each.

I think I’m to the point where I need to stop trying more fish and chips. I suspect most restaurants have their version of the fish and chips. I like them but not THAT much. I might do a couple more. But I will compile all my footage and reviews and create a video. I may have to do it as a part one.

To cap off dinner, Drew and I had dessert. I had their crème Catalana while Drew had their dark chocolate and raspberry cheesecake. I can see why Guy Fieri stopped here.

Cost: $19.50

Tin Roof Grill Website

7. Hug-Hes Cafe, Stansbury Park (also other locations)

By midday, I was ready for the day and resolved to go out for fish and chips. I said resolved because I might have thought about it with a sigh. Just three more restaurants to go…

I drove some 15 minutes to a Stansbury Park a strip mall where one of six Hug-Hes restaurants in Utah is located.

The cookies in a glass case are the first thing that tempt you when you walk in. Right away, I got a pink sugar cookie decorated like an Easter egg and, just because it looked so appealing with its white glaze, a lemon zucchini cookie.

I asked to sit in a booth, once again, grateful for the anonymity since no one could see me, though it was right by the kitchen entrance so I occasionally felt weird filming or taking photos of my food, not that the staff made me feel uncomfortable. My server was a young woman who nodded and studied me curiously when I gave her a heads up about what I was doing. Other than that, she was super helpful, bringing me an extra plate so I could take photos of the cookies.

Once again, I asked for fish and chips. Mine came with steak fries and a choice of another side. I was going to get veggies, but then asked about their soup. She said minestrone or poblano. I picked the latter. It was so good, with soft chunks of chicken and a creamy soup base was pure comfort. Funny how in one day, I would have two creamy soups that were great in their own way.

I gotta hand it to Hug-Hes. Their presentation is on point. My server brought their beer bread which is unlike any other bread I’ve head in a restaurant. It’s a lot like pound bread, but moister and not quite as sweet. It comes with a little container of strawberry spread and whipped butter. I took a bite and waited for the rest of the meal.

I’ve been losing weight since taking on this quest, incidentally. On the days when I know I’ll be fish and chipping, I eat lighter fare during the day. Maybe a smoothie and overnight oats for breakfast, fruit and cheese for lunch and chips for a mid-afternoon snack. So I was able to curb my impulse to gorge on the bread, as delicious as it was.

The fish and chips came in a rectangular plate which is already a treat on its own. I like meals where the dishes aren’t an afterthought or common. Plated this way, where the steak fries sit in a silver cup alongside balls of breaded fish, it’s definitely a fun visual. The fish was a bit too moist for my taste, but the batter was nicely crispy. The steak fries were about on par as The Outpost, but I’d say Hug-Hes was the winner in the fish contest.

The server brought me my check and asked if I was a food vlogger. I told her I would be posting this on YouTube as soon as I try the last place on my list this Friday with Drew. She asked if I did other foods, too. I told her no, thinking that I wouldn’t be able to sustain this unless I was bringing in a sizeable income or if someone was paying for me to do this.

Cost: $16.99

Hug-Hes Cafe website

6. Ty Fish & Chips, Sandy

This was our third restaurant and by now, my husband was very reluctant. He’s kind of sick of fish and chips. To be honest, I was actually thinking, ugh, not another fish and chips.

But holy fish, it was so good.

The owner of the restaurant, Ty, helped us at the counter. I got the 2-piece fish and my husband got shrimp. I got given three pieces by accident, but Ty said to go ahead and keep it.

For the fries, I chose the truffle sauce, which is like elevated mayo. I preferred the ketchup, but my husband really liked it. We also got a couple of other sauces, tartar and mango curry.

The star of the meal was the fish.

It was so light on the inside and tender crisp on the outside. I had read some reviews saying the portions weren’t a lot of food, but it was for me. I ate one and a half pieces and I was full. Drew really really liked it. In fact, he said that so far of the three we have tried. This was his favorite. The secret to this one? Ty uses red snapper for the fish. Which makes for a really light and good flavor.

Also of note: This was the least expensive of all the ones I tried, and you definitely got more for the money.

Cost: $11.00

Ty Fish & Chips Website

5. Proper Brewing Company, the Avenues

The more I am at this quest, the harder my job appears to be. As I went to this next fish and chips location, I was reminded that there are actually food critics out there that might already have crowned the best of in all sorts of things for Utah. I’m talking about City weekly and their annual Best Of.

The reason I came to Proper Brewing Company in the Avenues was because I had to go to a medical appointment across the street from it. I just zipped around the block and came to this restaurant that I didn’t even know existed.

The first thing I noticed was that there was a chocolatier next to it, called Hatch family chocolates. I made a mental note to come back here after fish and chips. I stayed focused and went next-door to a sleek, modern space with black and platinum accents.

A friendly server came over to help me. I browsed through the menu, which had a number of really really good offerings and quickly answered, “fish and chips.” After a short wait, she brought me a large square plate of fries on which was nestled a couple of breaded salmon fillets.

It’s really not easy to gauge which is the best fish and chips. The kind of fish makes a huge difference. In this case I love salmon; ask my husband and I could have a salmon bowl every day of the week. 

But this wasn’t salmon as I knew it. It’s deep-fried in a crispy batter that is not even burn in my mouth but I could just jump in and enjoy right away. Unlike other regular fish and chips, salmon packs a lot of flavor.

The fries were a lot in terms of amount and also flavor. I don’t know what they season it with but it was a good salty. Coupled with their spicy tartar sauce (spicy being just a slight kick), their fries were amazing.

At 21 bucks, the meal was on the pricier side, but in this case, it was well worth it.

I ate only most of one fillet to make room for my chocolate dessert. I went next-door to Hatch Family Chocolates and, after some deliberation, I picked a little foil cup of pots de crème. I also got a chocolate chip cookie for the hubby so that he knows that I’m thinking about him even as a spare him, yet again, another fish and chips joint.

Cost: $21.00

Proper Brewing Co. website

4. Red Rock Brewery, Fashion Place Mall, SLC

I was in a very good mood when I tried Red Rock Brewery’s fish and chips at Fashion Place Mall one rainy May day. It happened to be the day my husband and I went to see the Hello Kitty Truck. After lining up for 3 hours and getting our HK merch, it was already one in the afternoon and we were famished. Luckily, Red Rock Brewery was just steps away and there was no wait for a table.

I’d heard some good reviews about this restaurant’s fish and chips so I was eager to try it. I almost did once at the SLC airport, but ran out of time. At $26, this leans pricey, but it was well worth it. The fish is beer-battered Alaskan halibut and cut into a pretty shape which elevates it. Each bite had a delicate crunch. The chips were uniquely hand-cut and hearty. Served with their colorful coleslaw, the meal was, in my imagined HK parlance, “meow-velous.”

Cost: $26

Red Rock Brewery website

3. Summerhays Halibut ‘N Chips, SLC

My husband met me and our toddler grandson at Summerhays Halibut ‘N Chips. The vibe is very much tropical/Hawaii. The walls are painted bright, pastel colors and there are colorful decorations around. This business is in a strip mall on Highland Drive. But it definitely was fun!

You order at the counter, behind which was an extensive menu of fish and chips, as well as other things that you could do with seafood like tacos, salads you name it. I was there mostly for the fish and chips, but I was also intrigued by the soups.

I asked the lady employee at the counter what she recommended, and she had the expression of someone that knew that was a very broad question. She mentioned the fish and chips and the soups. That night they had clam chowder or lobster bisque. I love clam chowder, but I was also curious about the bisque, so Drew ordered the chowder and I had the other one.

Our order came pretty quickly. We had just started feeding our grandson when a couple of trays were brought over. And that was when I remembered I had wanted to try their Piccadilly chips, which, from what I understand, are cut like they usually do in the UK.

I went back up to the counter and told the lady employee that I had meant to order Piccadilly chips. Normally they charge extra, but she went ahead and said they would just throw them in. In this elated state, I join my family, and took a bite of the halibut. The breading was just the right amount of crisp not soggy not burnt. Inside was fluffy halibut. It was, seriously one of the best breaded fish I’ve ever had.

I didn’t try much of the regular french fries, but when the Piccadillies were brought over to me, I dug into them with pleasure. They were small with a nice crispy coding. Not as heavy as french fries, which I really liked.

I went back to the counter to ask for cocktail sauce and complemented a guy who seem to be in some higher up position.

“It’s good isn’t it?” he said. “There’s a cult around it.”

I could believe it. The fish was meaty and moist. I tried it with malt vinegar and I decided that Mark vinegar sounds better than it tastes. But it didn’t matter, because the food was so good.

My lobster bisque had a little kick. It was really good with lots of good lobster chunks, but I must say, that my husband’s clam chowder was so much better. But at least I will know for the next time.

Cost: $18.90

Summerhays Halibut ‘N Chips website

2. Strap Tank Brewery, Lehi

My second top favorite was Strap Tank Brewery in Lehi. Strap Tank Brewery, say that fast.

There are currently two locations for this restaurant. The other one in Springville has a motorcycle museum, if that’s your jam. The whole restaurant has that steampunk vibe—with airplane décor hanging from the ceiling. If only for that, this restaurant is worth checking out.

The truth is, a restaurant is the sum of more than just the food. Of course the fish and chips themselves are important—the flavor, the crispiness of the fries—but also the whole ambience really contributes to the dining experience. That’s what I’ve found in the last three weeks trying out different fish and chips.

Our server brought out this huge plate of fries and fish for me while my husband had their French dip sandwich. I was floored that for $14 I got as much food as I did.

I could already tell, picking up the fish, that its texture will be light and crispy. I took a bite, and I was right. The fries had a tasty seasoning that I was eating two at a time, I couldn’t eat them fast enough.

I read a review where they said, they’ve been to England and Strap Tank Brewery is the only place that served fish and chips anywhere close to that. That was quite the expectation. Did Strap Tank meet it today? Absolutely.

Cost: $14.00

Strap Tank Brewery website

1. Little Taste of Britain, Layton

By the time I finally tried this place, after I had made my very public declaration of the “Best Fish and Chips in or around Salt Lake City” in my Youtube video, my expectations were beyond sky-high. My original list had included mostly Salt Lake City locations due to convenience. Since I had to zip to Layton to buy a vintage wheelbarrow today (mid-April), I decided to stop here.

“Little” is a modest statement. Little Taste of Britain is like the Disneyland of fish and chips along the Wasatch Front. It’s more than a restaurant, it’s a cultural experience. With the iconic phone booth at the entrance, the British flag hanging everywhere, King Charles III’s face prominently displayed on a banner in the rafters, a store of memorabilia and snacks, and a telly playing the Great British Baking Show, there’s no question which country this restaurant pays homage to.

Trivia: Even though fish and chips are one of the most iconic British comfort foods, it actually originated from 15th century Portugal. But we won’t quibble.

Their menu offers a single serving of fish and English-style Piccadilly chips and that is what I chose, along with a little serving of coleslaw. Even at three thirty in the afternoon, the place was already starting to get busy. After a short wait, a server brought me my plate in a sunlit booth.

I haven’t been to England, although I do plan on visiting this fall. So I can only stack up my experience at Little Taste of Britain against other fish offerings in this post. I don’t know what an “authentic” British fish and chips is. But even with my limitations, I can see why this restaurant has a “City Weekly Best Fish and Chips” sign prominently displayed on their counter.

The fish is light and crisp, and paired with malt vinegar, yowza, I not only wanted to wolf it down, I swear I started to speak with a British accent. Even the guy behind the counter reminded me of Prince Andrew with a grumpy vibe. The coleslaw was slurpy but good and the cute Picadilly chips are a must-try.

So my apologies for not including this fish and chips icon in my original post, but to quote one of our most famous British imports, I’m no longer “The Fool on the Hill.”

Cost: $12.75

Little Taste of Britain website

And there you have it! Thanks so much for reading. If you have any other recommendations for fantastic fish and chips in or around SLC or tried any of these places, feel free to leave a comment.

Jewel Allen is an author, foodie and traveler based in Northern Utah. Check out her novels and her quick guides to writing and publishing fast for profit.