It was a white gumball* day.
At 29,408 words, I revised and uploaded Rapid Regency. Book #37. Yay!!!
This is a first for me–publishing in a new genre (Regency romance) on 10/27 the same week I am launching a how-to book about writing in that genre (10/31).
I had the idea for Rapid Regency clear back in the spring. I thought it would be interesting to chronicle my research and process in writing my first Regency. Since I was launching Lady Serena’s Choice in October I thought I could get RR done in September. I ended up moving the pre-order a month later. Glad it all worked out.
It’s a great feeling, finishing a how-to book. I can let go of that information–less stuff to clutter my brain. And if it helps someone else in the process, all the better.
This fun picture is me conferring on Messenger with my wonderful Brit author-friend Karen Pierotti who is a walking encyclopedia on all things Regency and British.

We were trying to figure out the 39 counties of Regency England and which regions they belong to. Thanks, Karen, for the laughs, and for generously sharing your knowledge. Can’t wait to meet up with you post-Covid and take in some British food somewhere.
I ❤️ my author tribe. I really appreciate my editor and beta team for helping me make this book the best it can be.
Truthfully, I am sooooooo happy to get this book done. I won’t bask too long as I have two other books in the queue. I hope you all who are interested in writing Regency (and even seasoned authors who want a handy reference or story inspirations) will find Rapid Regency helpful!
Read Rapid Regency.
* I enjoy a white gumball to celebrate finishing a manuscript.