Would You Like A Sample?

Pink Think: “You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job, and not be paid for it.” – Oprah Winfrey

Photo from iateapie.net

I didn’t get the job. I signed up to be one of those people that hand out food at our local grocery store and they had enough people already. Which was a bummer.

However, all is not lost. Because this was front and center in my mind, it gave me a short story idea which I will use for my entry in our paper’s annual holiday writing contest.

So this year, I am going to be on my best behavior and write a short story that doesn’t have a macabre ending, like this:

Please Do Not Disturb

I will go for one of those Hallmarky type stories that make you go Aww at the end. We’ll see if I have it in me. It is entirely possible, since I have written romance before, even though it’s not your typical holiday romance, like this:

Holiday Hiccups

I still went to the store and made my rounds, not so much to sample the food but to talk to the sample-hander-outers (what exactly they’re called, I don’t know). And I discovered something.

As I’ve never done this job before, I think of it pretty romantically as in “I hand people food and make them happy.” Reality is, handing out fliers sometimes doesn’t spell fun (no one wants them) and you have to work Sundays.

But I guess in small doses, what better way to spend some time at the store around the holidays than giving people free food?

What job would YOU enjoy doing, not to make money per se, but just because it looks like fun?

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