To my beloved children

To my beloved children, on November 9, 2016


Voting’s come and gone, and here we are today

I feel like I must reach out, and give my bit of say

At first I was all fearful, not sure of what this means

for those of us who voted ‘gainst vitriol that demeans.


I ran the street as usual, to get my mileage in

I felt my steps unspooling my sorrow from within

The sun was shining brightly, a fall day in its prime

Flowers rose from fences, dazzling where they climbed.


As running warmed my body, so did my heart melt

I started shedding sadness and anger that I’d felt

I’d let it bog me down, shattering my peace

Dragging me to despair, sending me to my knees.


Voting is our privilege, a right we can employ

But in so doing, two-edged, some outcomes douse our joy

I may not agree with others, but they deserve their voice

That’s a gift we’re given, the right to make our choice.


I worried ‘bout the impact on our diverse community,

For those who don’t fit the mold of the majority

But then I started thinking, beneath the surface skin

we’re really all alike, and want what’s best for kin.


No one can take away from us our human dignity

No one can lessen our value, the strength of you and me

As certain as the sun will shine, love will win the day

especially if we follow the Savior’s humble way.


So I will keep on standing for kindness, decency,

Fighting for our freedoms, without complacency

I’ll continue to be proud to be called “American”

and pray for our country to now unite as one.




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