Scorpions? Rattlesnakes? Coyotes? Check! 2

Pink Think: “The coyotes made too much noise and kept me awake. Please medicate these annoying animals.” – a comment left for the Forest Service by a backpacker, on Aaauggh, a humor archive!

I have just gotten back from a seven-day vacation in Lake Powell.

Most people who find out I am going to Lake Powell ask, “Do you stay in a houseboat?”

Nope. We tent-camp. Once a year for a whole week, in the insanely hot month of August. This year, I finally said yes to my husband to buying a 22 foot Hydroswift motor-boat even though I swore up and down for years that I’d never agree to it. (In the past, we’ve borrowed a boat from his dad’s work; he’s a boat salesman)


My sister-in-law and her two kids (a six-year-old daughter and a two-year-old son) came down from Idaho during the last half of the week. My SIL related a conversation she and her kids had with a friend about Lake Powell:

Friend: This place must have lots of nice beaches.
Niece: Oh no, it’s rocky and there’s lots of scorpions.
Nephew: And rattlesnakes.
Friend: There must be lots of shade from trees.
Niece: Oh, no. There’s no shade.
Friend (smile fading): Well, you can make your own shade, right?
Niece: Oh, no, it’s windy.
Friend, to SIL: And you guys go camping there because…?


It’s a head-scratcher, alright. Until you experience it for yourself.In my next posts, I will tell you more about my trip.

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2 thoughts on “Scorpions? Rattlesnakes? Coyotes? Check!

  • berlinwritergirl

    I love Lake Powell. I actually have a scene there in my novel. Hope you had a great time. I also hope you like Breaking Dawn. I reall liked it. We have three of the library copies going around for our book group, but I had to have my own so my collection could be complete.

  • Pink Ink

    We had a great time. After a couple of days, when I don’t care about my hair or dirt or the heat anymore, I really get into it :-).

    Yeah, I will have to read BD soon, if nothing else to decide if my 12 year old can read it, too.