Rekindling the Magic 21

Pink Think: “First of all, writing at best – certainly fiction writing – more and more I think is magic. “Kathy Acker

When I started my blog six months ago, my first post read:

Q: (my husband) How is this blog going to help you finish your book?
A: (me) It probably won’t.


I love how I get feedback on my writing.
I hate how I get sidetracked commenting.

I love how I am collecting a great portfolio of essays.
I hate how my unfinished revisions are collecting dust.

I love how I am being more observant about life.
I hate how I feel more detached from my family and friends.

I love seeing comments rack up after my posts.
I hate feeling like this is some popularity contest.


The other night, I rewrote a chapter of “Girl From Gurian”. I got more words done than I have in a long time. Best of all, I felt the wonder of a good, absorbing story.

More than comments, more than popularity, more than hits…

… I need to rekindle that magic again.

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21 thoughts on “Rekindling the Magic

  • Marivic_Little GrumpyAngel

    I think you should keep blogging so you can share your talent with a wider audience. I for one, love your writing. It’s easy to get caught up in the “popularity” game I guess. I think that’s the main pitfall of blogging. But it will be sad if you stop. You’ve touched many people with your talent thru blogging. It would be a shame to keep it to yourself until you write that best seller.

  • Carla

    Thanks for stopping by my site a while ago. Most of my posts are transferred now, so I’ll be on there more often. I agree with you about getting back into real life, but I love using my blog as my journal of sorts. Hopefully you can find inspiration for your book through this medium, instead of inspite of it.

  • Pink Ink

    Q: You’ve been one of my regular posters from my early days. I really appreciate your chiming in on the conversation around here. Thanks.

    Marivic: It’s no wonder that you have people say nice things about you on your blog…well-deserved. Thanks for the encouragement. I’ve decided that if I can keep readers like you, I’ll be perfectly happy :-).

    Carla: You know, you’re right. I actually have printed out what I’ve been writing, and it’s been a great journal and expression of myself.

    Janna: Thanks. And congrats to you too on your book!

  • heather

    i hear you.
    i am way addicted to this thing.
    i decided yesterday i should take my computer someplace where i won’t get wireless so i can write without the temptations of this wonderful, time stealing, blogging world!

  • Michelle

    I just started really getting into blogging and it is very addicting. SITS makes it even worse because I keep finding new people to add to my blogger list!

    Great site and good luck with your book! 🙂

  • Georgie B

    Greetings and Salutations!

    I bring a howdy-do from CT. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Not sure where you found me at, but you are most welcomed to stop back any time.

    This blog looks rather neat. I have it bookmarked for future reading.

    Oh as for the article, I find that bloggin compliments my writing. I’ve learned quite a bit from blogging and from other blogs.

  • Melanie J

    I know what you mean. I’ve been hiding in my blog because I’m at the beginning of a new manuscript that doesn’t want to come out fully formed. Good for you for rediscovering your priorities.

  • Big Plain V

    I see my blog as a needy little animal trying to steal the hotdog out of my bun when I’m not looking. He may be cute, and fun to have around, but I exert a lot of effort to keep him on a short leash.

  • Evelyn Lim

    I know…I know. My blog consumes a lot of time too. I sometimes wonder if I am better off, doing nothing online. Being on the web is extremely addictive. And then, I realize that I won’t have it any other way!

  • Pink Ink

    Heather: I want to get one of those Neo AlphaSmart things that don’t have wireless.

    Michelle: I know, SITS is fun but kinda crazy, eh?

    Georgie: Welcome. You’re right, blogging has its benefits. It’s great to be able to post WHATEVER I want in whatever form I want.

    Melanie: Good luck with your project!

    BPV: Good analogy.

    Keeper: Thanks for visiting.

    Evelyn: It’s a great ego-boost, isn’t it? 🙂

  • DEe

    I’m new, and think your post is funny. I like your blog and so true about writing plus and minus. I come back again, if you don’t mind. Seems you have many friends here.

  • Tammy Warren

    I guess my blog has turned into my daily journal. Blogging does take so much time. I see so many that I read about that it seems to be their life. I have way too much on the outside to miss.

    I am happy to have found your blog. I will journey along with you. I just found a saying today that I shared with someone earlier…

    “The quality of my journey is largely defined by the quality of my companions.” I feel this is so true with blogging. Many get caught up in the numbers and not the journey of it all.

  • Eudae-mamia

    I hear you. My main purpose of starting my blog was to get over the fear of people actually reading my words. Then I got too caught up in driving people to read my words.

    I have finally figured out that it’s ME that needs to like my words – write what I feel, and to hell with the rest.

    I’ll be back! Not that you need to hear that, or anything 😉

    Now, where’s that wand? I hid it in a drawer somewhere right before the kids came along. I’ll lend it out once it’s rediscovered.


  • Pink Ink

    Tammy, thanks for that wonderful reminder. Quality always wins out in the end. I always appreciate your comments.

    Em: *My main purpose of starting my blog was to get over the fear of people actually reading my words. Then I got too caught up in driving people to read my words.* Exactly! How’s that for irony, huh? 🙂

    Jori-O: I confess, I have thought of sending the darn cord thing with my daughter when she goes to school. 🙂

  • Iron_woman

    Thank you so much pink for reading my blog and leave comments. I am really glad to met some of my kababayan here in United States and in the Philippines. I need to updates everything in my blog to make it real and readable for the reader. Again Stay tuned because there’s a lot more to go 🙂

  • Pat (Truelyana off AW)

    That magic you speak of is in you, when you write rekindling as you flow. That’s where that every lasting magic lies. I feel the same way in regards to the pro’s and con’s about blogging, but I feel at most ease when I just express, and I feel that is what it is about, awakening the deeper you. The pro’s and con’s then just vanish, as I start to feel the flow of what I write is true and I shine as I am peaceful within that serenity. I am happy you share, and I feel you will continue as you wish.