
Pink Think: “My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living.” – Anais Nin

photo: me, writing on my favorite rock at Lake Powell

Great news on many counts!

1. Just got back from a Lake Powell vacation where I was unplugged for a week and wrote on my Alphasmart in the cool mornings before everyone was up. Was inspired to write a new song called Here. So fun to create this in one morning. Still tweaking the melody, but hope to get a song put together and share after catching up with reality.

2. While at Lake Powell, I wrote most of a short story which just might be the synopsis of a historical novel.

3. Got word that my “Holiday Hiccups” short story placed honorable mention in the Women On Writing flash fiction contest. I changed it a bit for the contest, but here is my original piece. Feels great to get validated. They capped entries at 300 and mine made it to the top 25!

4. Recharged and raring to go!

Friends, thanks for visiting and commenting. I hope to reciprocate soon!

How is YOUR life going?