Pecan Pie Time! 4

Yesterday afternoon, I finished my YA novel “Ghost Moon Night.” After I typed THE END, I felt like getting on my roof and screaming, I DID IT! I couldn’t wait until my little family came home. I beckoned them to my laptop and said “I want to show you something.” My oldest said, “Did you get published?” I wish! Anyway, I showed them the page with the glowing words THE END. They stared, somebody said congratulations, most looked confused, then life went on. That was about it. To celebrate, I thought about baking a pecan pie, but I forgot to last night. I thought about going on the highway and driving for a few minutes with the radio cranked up really loud, but I didn’t. Instead, I hung up laundry. I think something inside me said, “Big deal, we’ll talk when you’ve revised.” After that, I bet the voice will say, “Big deal, we’ll talk when you get an agent.”

Well, la di da. I will bask for a minute. Here’s the pecan pie I never got around to baking. Pull up a chair, help yourself to a slice or two. It’s 0 calories; what better way to celebrate?

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