Patchwork Quilt

Pink Think: “Use a make-up table with everything close at hand and don’t rush; otherwise you’ll look like a patchwork quilt.” – Lucille Ball

Photo from

First of all, just in case you are wondering, I am not doing National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year. (Are you? How is it going?) That’s because I have a story that has taken a hold of me and wouldn’t let go, and I started it well before this month.

It’s been several years’ worth of work, as it turns out.

I was looking for an old manuscript of mine called The Spanish Exile, which is a historical swashbuckling novel set in Spain and the Philippines, my first real attempt at a novel from four or so years ago.

I can’t find it. Which worries me because as bad as first novels go, it was a finished draft. I must have gotten rid of it at one point – several points? – in my writing career when I was very discouraged.

Instead I found various attempts of the same multicultural YA story that has gone by different titles and in various states of polishing. It’s about as organized if I had tossed these papers in the air and piled them together.

Hodge podge. Mishmash. A patchwork quilt. But it must be an important enough story to me I’ve tried to get it out to the world numerous times.

Can this manuscript be saved? Stay tuned.

Do YOU have a story or project like that? One that wouldn’t let you go?

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