Not Guilty 46

Pink Think: “Guilt: The gift that keeps on giving.” – Erma Bombeck

Since early on in our marriage, my husband and I have taken out a little amount from the month’s paycheck and give each other a guilt-free allowance. This is money that we don’t ever have to justify to the other spouse.

For instance, he doesn’t have to justify why the entire Season One of the Muppet Show is worth buying and I don’t have to explain why I want another swimsuit (I’m still trying to figure this one out myself; they always look good in the store).

This past year, I have been scrimping and saving for something Special and Useful and finally, I had enough money last Saturday to order it online.

This is what will be shipped to me by the end of the week:

It is a NEO, a word processor (what an old-fashioned sounding term!) that, the ad claims, is “ruggedly portable and full size. No email interruptions. No web-surfing distractions.” I type on it and can transfer my story onto my laptop. (I’ve tried the typewriter – ribbon was too expensive. I’ve tried handwriting – too much work re-typing, not to mention, unlike JK Rowling, I don’t know of any hip cafes hereabouts.)

When the UPS man comes this week, I hope I don’t scare him with my eagerness to get to the package. Can you tell I’m really, really excited?!

How about YOU? If you could buy something, guilt-free, where you don’t have to get your spouse or parent to agree, what would it be?

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46 thoughts on “Not Guilty

  • Georgie B

    Two part answer:

    1) Tattoo. Always wanted one, but currently have strident opposition from the wife.

    2) Unlimited amounts of music, be it CD’s or old-fashioned vinyl. Usually I always get grief, especially around Christmas time because the family never knows what to buy me for gifts.

  • Dorsey

    Yeah, for me its two things…I was a new spiffy digital camera (the expensive ones that look like the old 35mm big ones) and I also want a sewing/embroidery machine. Unfortunately these both have close to the same price tag. Ah well.

  • Janna Qualman

    Yay! I have an AlphaSmart and I love it! (I blog about it less-regularly here:

    For me, at any given time, I’d like “permission” to buy anything for our home without need for explanation. It’s easier right now, because we’re nearly done with remodeling and need a lot of new pieces for previously unusable space, but typically my husband raises his eyebrows at new decor purchases. 🙂

  • Gaspegirl

    If I could buy something, guilt-free it would have to be some new lenses for my camera (you didn’t say that I had to buy just one thing did you??)

    Nice blog – I am gonna snoop around… make it a great day!

  • Firecat

    I have a whole list of things I’d like to buy, guilt free, but I guess my top two would be:
    1. The entire Highlander series on DVD
    2. An SLR digital camera

    Of course, now that I know it exists, the NEO is pretty close to the top too! 🙂

  • Rhea

    I love your guilt free idea! Very cool. And what a neat word processor! A great idea!! It’s portable so you can take it places, yet doesn’t cost as much as a laptop and doesn’t have all those email and Internet distractions. I’m sold!

    Muppets, really?!

    I’m here from SITS. :o)

  • Pink Ink

    Georgie: I can’t help but feel that this comment thread should be sent to Santa this Christmas. (oops did I say the C-word? before Halloween?) So if the family doesn’t know what to get us, maybe Santa will ;-).

    Heather: Yeah, wasn’t she great?

    AIN: I felt a little guilty last year going on a trip to the Philippines by myself without my family, but it was wonderful just being a tourist and not wearing the mommy hat. That said, I can’t wait to take my family there someday soon.

    Dorsey: Those cameras look like they’d be fun to use.

    Stamperdad: I’ll test it out and report. Thanks for stopping in.

    Janna: “Sally and me” is a fun read! I can’t wait to get my own “Sally”. You’re like me on remodeling. Most of the time, I consult, but sometimes, I figure I could always ask for forgiveness. Usually my husband has been happy with the results. 🙂

    Don and Stephanie: I give him a hard time about it, but I love them muppets, too. I think we have all the seasons now…I wouldn’t be surprised. 🙂

    Gaspegirl: Welcome and yes, you can add more than one thing on your wish list 🙂

    Firecat: I’ve known about NEO for a couple of years now. I’ll probably be wondering what took me so long…

    BPV: I was kind of hoping a friend would give me a hand-me-down, but when it didn’t happen, I just had to do it. Gosh if you had one, you’d be smokin’ (the writing kind) even more than you already are!

    Rhea: Yeah, sounds almost too good to be true, doesn’t it? Thanks for visiting :-).

    Rachel: I love to (literally) window shop, too.

    Mercedes: Hi there! Is that your little family in the pic? Cute.

  • Chantal

    Wow, I want one of those! I can’t be on the computer without checking something… email, forums, blog…

    But I think, if I had the money, I’d get the Sony ebook reader. Yup.

  • Marivic_Little GrumpyAngel

    This guilt-free allowance is such a great idea! I’m excited for you getting your new “toy”!

    For me, I would spend my “allowance” on camera lens for my Canon Rebel. I am coveting macro lens right now. I’ll have to save up, but I would love to have unlimited financing for camera stuff.

  • berlinwritergirl

    I love that idea. I have a mommy allowance each month that I can spend on anything I want, but I think it would be good to have my hubby have a daddy allowance. I usually buy books or food. If I was smart I would save it for a MACBOOK Pro.

  • Melanie J

    It’s funny. Annette Lyon raves about the NEO over on the Writing on the Wall blog but I think I have a psychological addiction to seeing my text unfold full length on the computer monitor so it looks like I’ve written A LOT. I know a lot of people swear by them.

    Non-guilty indulgence: right now, I’d say a spree at the MAC counter.

  • Lorie

    Hmmmm…guilt free. Anything? A new house.

    Too big?

    New carpet.

    Still too big…a popcorn popper (big old fashioned one) and a snow cone machine. Saw them at Costco/Restaurant Depot and am in love!

    I want to have mini carnivals at my house year round.

    I would probably need a cotton candy maker too.

  • Carolyn

    My mom always tells me to tuck a little away into a special guilt-free shopping account… but somehow I feel too guilty to do it without, you know, telling my husband! But I like your plan, I may have to formally adopt it.

    So what would I buy? Hm… Shoes. I’m too frugal to splurge on shoes, I always wait and buy the sensible ones on sale. But just once I’d love to go all out on a pair of Sex and the City style heels!

  • Elizabeth

    Guilt free shopping. Something I have to keep a leash on hubby for. Me? I’m way more careful. But resently bought myself a spa retreat holiday! I still cannot wait to go. All by myself. With my laptop. Ahhhh……

  • Pink Ink

    Chantal: Hello! Those readers look like fun. If my oldest daughter had one, her backpacl wouldn’t be so heavy with books. 🙂

    Marivic: If you take the photos on your site, you are one good photographer.

    Berlinwritergirl: I used to have a “hunting” fund equivalent to what my hubby spent on hunting. Maybe yours can take up a hobby, and you get an equal amount ;-).

    Hana: What a great (and delicious) idea!

    Melanie: Funny, I think I actually saw her post about it, or Josi Kilpack’s, and that’s what made me decide I wanted one…

    Terra: Yes, I can’t wait to tell you more about it…

    Lorie: I love carnival foods, too! My favorite is pink cotton candy. Last time I took my kids to the fair, I just had a ball sampling the foods.

    Rukia: As prolific as you’ve been with your writing lately, I can see why 🙂

    Carolyn: I admire women who make high heels look like sneakers, as good as they get around in them.

    TMI: I hope you get one! 🙂

    Elizabeth: Have fun on your holiday! Sounds wonderful. 🙂

  • Bar-b

    Make up. This is where my husband just doesn’t get it. Also, buying time alone would be nice. Don’t nee dto go anywhere, just be alone with my thoughts would be nice.

    Happy SITS Week girl! Pardon me while I peruse your place 😉

  • SuZ

    Oh geez… It’s been so long since I’ve bought something for me… What to choose… Oh! I know, a Canon 5d Mark II camera. *drools* Complete with lenses!! 🙂

  • ~Jenn Danza~

    Hire someone to help me find clothes that fit me correctly. I don’t have the time to sort through clothes for stick figures and I aint fat! I have a woman’s figure size 9-10 complete with a rack of nice….well, you know what I mean and I can’t find ANYTHING flattering! “LOW rise” does not wear well on a 38 year old WOMAN! Sigh. That is what I’d buy.

  • Evelyn Lim

    I generally don’t feel all that guilty because I don’t spend all that much…LOL!! If I buy anything, I honestly feel that I deserve it!

    Having said that, the only thing I’d love is a new laptop!

  • Pink Ink

    CJ: Lucky you 🙂

    Bar-b: Hi there. Around here, make-up is considered the same footing as bath soap…necessary! 🙂

    Suz: *looks around* Cameras seem to be pretty popular with this crowd.

    Aubrey: I get a little *guilt-free cash* through some freelance writing, too. Good for you. Enjoy those handbags…I would buy more if I could afford them.

    Lance: I googled kettlebells (fun name)…wow, they look like serious weight-lifting gear! 🙂

    Jenn: Those low-rise things are the “hippest” trend around, aren’t they, even though they aren’t made for real women’s bodies :-).

    Evelyn: *I deserve it* Great attitude!

    Bummer that someone stole your GPS, Sandy. Bet you couldn’t resist telling them to “Get Lost!” (sorry, I just had to say that 🙂

  • dddiva

    I win camera’s fairly regularly, but maybe lessons cuz I kinda suck at the lighting and stuff inside. 😉
    I’m pretty spoiled, if we have the money for something Ken pretty much lets me get what I want.
    But. I mostly spend it on the kids and grandson.
    Guilt free- I don’t even know I don’t feel guilty and I have all I need and most of what I want. Great ? though. 🙂

  • Sadiebug

    I am seriously curious about the NEO. Please let me know what you think of it. I’ve been thinking about that little guilt-free purchase for awhile, but I haven’t done it yet. Happy writing!