New Love

Pink Think: “The suspense of a novel is not only in the reader, but in the novelist, who is intensely curious about what will happen to the hero.” – Mary McCarthy

photo by mustloveme2010 on photobucket

I am in the throes of new love.

So much so that I when I am not with this new object of affection, I think about it constantly.

When I come back to it, it is just pure pleasure, with all the excitement of discovery and newness.

I am in love with my newest story.

It’s a young adult urban fantasy about a Filipino-American boy who spends a summer in the Philippines and falls in love with a girl who has a monstrous secret.

Why I love it, let me count the ways:

1. I get to write from a wise-cracking boy point of view.
2. I get to write from the POV of an American.
3. When I write scary scenes, I scare even myself.
4. I wrote a synopsis, so I have some idea what’s going to happen…
5. …which means it’s a viable story…
6. …but I am still surprised by the twists and turns.
7. The characters are quirky and distinct.
8. I don’t have to do tons of research.

Just like any new romance, I worry about the novelty fading, that I will find some imperfection that will turn me off, that I will get bored…

Ah well. I will enjoy this ride while I can. I honestly don’t give a fig if this story gets published. I just want to see what happens next.

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