Mail Call 33

Pink Think: “If I’m home with no chore at hand, and a package of books has come, the television set and the chess board and the unanswered mail will have to manage without me if one of the books is a detective story.” – Rex Stout

It’s about time for my two younger kids to get home from school, so I open our front door. My eyes instantly glom onto the big box on the porch.

I think, My NEO is here!

(I had ordered a NEO word processor this past weekend and posted about it here.)

I rush out. There’s also a smaller, padded envelope that feels like a book from the Interlibrary loan. Normally, that’s the first thing I open, to see what book has come for me, but I just pluck it off to stare at the box. I consider running in and grabbing my camera to take a picture, but it’d have been too silly, so instead, I pick it up along with the envelope and carry it in like a little kid with a Christmas present into the house.

My kids come home just as I am getting ready to open the box.

“Guess what, kids,” I announce, “I got my typing thing!”

They look at each other, then at me. “Ooookay,” my eight-year old daughter says.

“This requires a happy dance,” I say and grab their hands. I lead them in a silly rendition of Row, Row, Row your boat and at the end they fall down laughing a la Ring Around the Rosy.

I flex my fingers. It’s time to open the box. The tape comes off easily.

My fingers dig in and I frown. It feels like a roll of something. I open the flaps and look in. It’s my Current order of gift wrap and a calendar.

SIGH. Maybe tomorrow…

What I’m wondering is, what do YOU look forward to getting in the mail?

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33 thoughts on “Mail Call

  • cat


    Did you know you won the copy of matrimony? if you want it, email me your address (cjwaldorf at hotmail dot com) and the author will send it to you.

  • heather

    Anything that isn’t junk and isn’t a bill. And yesterday I was excited for the coupons -but my favorite things are birthday cards and christmas cards and the just because cards!

    I love that you do happy dances with your kids, that will be a fun memory for them.

  • Don

    One of my wife’s doctors is “pay up front and bill insurance later.” I so look forward to those insurance checks.

    And returned manuscripts from my beta readers.

  • Janna Qualman

    Oh, I’m so sorry. How disappointing! I hope it comes today.

    Aside from the constant hope something writing-related will be waiting for me, I look forward to my copy of PEOPLE every Friday. The magazine gives me a chance to disconnect and absorb worlds unrelated to my own. And, I guess, it could kind of be considered research, too. 🙂

  • Marivic_Little GrumpyAngel

    I love getting Christmas packages from my in laws. They always include British goodies. I love British chocolate especially Malteesers (yes, lots of milk chocolate so I have to make sure I take allergy pills first in case but it’s so yummy I can’t help myself)

    I hope your NEO arrives soon! Another happy dance, yay!

  • colbymarshall

    Anything that isn’t a bill or a rejection letter from an agent! I like getting postcards from my friend Jonathan…we trade postcards “written from” where the postcard says on the front. It gets silly, but it’s fun!

  • Lynette

    Hey there is always time to dance so that was worthwhile in itself!
    I love the Wed paper for our lil town and the letters (yes by snail mail) that I get from my brother, niece and penpal. Other than that hoping to see more gas royalty checks that I inherited. Makes my eyes do a “cha-ching-ching” thing!

  • Heather

    First of all, SO jealous that your interlibrary loan books come in the MAIL! I have to drag my patootie down to our library when a book comes in for me. Humph! 🙂

    The things I look forward most to getting in the mail:

    – Entertainment Weekly magazine
    – picture updates from family and friends (you know, new actual pictures to stick in my wallet/on the fridge – so much better even than getting them via email!)
    – holiday cards and birthday cards
    – letters from my daughter’s birthparents (which, sadly, are a rare occurrence)
    – Land’s End catalogs
    – coupons from the stores I frequent

    Have a great weekend! Cheers!

  • Pink Ink

    Cat: Mmm, the ultimate treat! Thanks for the heads up. I’m excited to get THAT in the mail 🙂

    Heather: Yes, I love it that people still send cards in the age of email. On happy dances, I hope my kids remember them as fun and not the “loopy things Mom did”.:-)

    Don: Probably a tidy little sum, eh? Hooray for beta readers!

    Janna, Dorsey, Tammy: I am always excited, too, to get my fave magazines. Writer’s Digest always makes me drop EVERYTHING (or sneak into the bedroom like you, Tammy).

    Melanie: That would be so nice to get it in the mail instead of spending all the time going back and forth at the vid store :-).

  • Pink Ink

    Blarney: Welcome! That photo in your blog header is simply amazing. Btw, your blog name sounds Irish, are you?? (My sis is married to an Irishman)

    Q: I bet!

    Marivic: That sounds yummy, and nice to have something different than what you’d find in the States. Is that where they’re from? (I have an aunt who lives in G.Britain). Yeah, we wouldn’t want you to break out in an allergic reaction ;-).

    Colbymarshall: What a fun thing to have going! I love getting postcards, too, and did more of that in college.

    CJ: Yes! Yes! Yes! to those three. I hope I catch the UPS man bearing my package, so I can try to convince him to pose for me :-).

    Lynette: Snail mail! Good for you, you lucky woman.

  • Pink Ink

    Laurel: Yeah, my kids always ask, “Is there something for me?” And usually it’s good stuff coz they’re too young to be getting bills already 🙂

    Tammy: You must like computer stuff!

    Brendajean and berlinwritergirl: Isn’t it fun to get books by mail? Lately I’ve won a couple through blog contests, and I love that they’re so big they get stuck in my mail box 🙂

    Becky: No problem. Thanks for visiting!

    Heather: It’s just some books not all, so I still have to make a trip to Main Street some days. 🙂 The nice thing about this service is it’s FREE.

  • Georgie B

    I’m looking forward to getting my approved copy of my self-published novel.

    That way, I can crank up the stress-o-meter to top end.

    Plus one or two more stray rejection letters from queries sent out earlier this year.

  • Jade

    Hey fellow Pinay! Thanks for checking me out! I love your blog – looks like I will be coming back here often.

    I love receiving post- I actually just received 4 books all the way from Canada….I hope you typing thingy arrives soon;)

    I also love to get any gifts and cards from friends and loved ones but looks like not alot of people do that thing anymore these days.

    Have a great weekend!

  • Kelsey

    I love getting my Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan and Entertainment Weekly.

    Also, I get extremely excited when I see a brown box. Big or small, doesn’t matter, I just love whats inside.

  • Crazy Sister

    Definitely overseas mail. I’ve gone through a stack of penpals in my life, and it was so much fun! I used to get them to mail me stuff like ants they squashed in their kitchen in switzerland. Mail doesn’t get much better than that!

  • Marian

    I edit and proofread short papers for a friend’s fiancee, and she sends me $10 checks (because that’s usually how much I charge).

    I know it’s not a lot, but I always like getting and cashing those little checks.

  • Pink Ink

    Ronda: *contracts and checks* Awesome for you!!

    Momma: Yes, got a smile on my face last Friday 🙂

    Hula: I love getting my mags in the mail, too!

    Lynda: Enjoy your pottery. Sounds wonderful.

    Georgie: Good for you on your novel!

    Jade: Hi! and good to see you here.

    Kelsey: Yeah, that brown box makes for an exciting mail run.

    Crazy sister: A pen pal would be fun to have from abroad. *squashed ants* funny!!

    Tammy: I did get it, and I will post more at length soon.

    Marian: What a great way to earn fun money. Good for you.