Looking Out My Window

Pink Think: “I’m just a landscape painter. I look out the window and I see what’s going on, and I paint it. While I’m painting it, I also write thoughts about what I see going on out there.” – William Wiley

Photo from Rochester Institute of Technology

I’m sitting at my kitchen table near my kitchen window getting ready to keep writing the novel that wouldn’t go away. Yes, dear friends, I have decided to heck with market, I will write this thing if it kills me.

I like sitting by a window to write. Gets my creative juices flowing.

Just some random observations looking out my (mind’s) window:

I can see into my neighbor’s yard and thought I saw a baboon. Turns out it’s just our neighbor’s red standard poodle.

My high school classmates are finding me on Facebook. I am not all that sure I want to be found. Facebook feels eerily like high school. And I just don’t want to be witty all the time, ya know?

If Taylor Lautner shows up at the New Moon premiere with Taylor Swift on his arm, who will get the loudest cheers: Taylor Swift or Stephenie Meyer?

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