I Wasn’t Going To Do It 25

Pink Think: “The two important things I did learn were that you are as powerful and strong as you allow yourself to be, and that the most difficult part of any endeavor is taking the first step, making the first decision.” – Robyn Davidson

I had sworn up and down (figuratively speaking) that I wouldn’t do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this November. It’s this online challenge, where the goal is to write 50k words towards a novel, from scratch, in 30 days.

My reasons for not doing it this year:

1. I did it last year and “won” and I was perfectly content with that.

2. I have family coming from the Philippines and Ireland in late October through early November.

3. I am re-writing my YA historical romance “Girl From Gurian” and I am only 23,240 words into this draft.

4. 50k in a month means that instead of going two weeks at my turn at cleaning the bathroom, I would be going the whole month.

5. 50k in a month means I actually have to have a daily word count goal and rewards (mmm, maybe that’s not so bad).

6. It means I have to write, whether I feel like it or not.

7. Already, if I get at least five hours of sleep a night, I’m lucky.

So I had a gazillion reasons not to do it, right? But then…through another blog, I couldn’t resist clicking the NaNo link to check out the forums so I could ask the question that has been bugging me for the last two days which is: “Were hinges invented already in 1768 and would they have been used on nipa huts in the rural Philippines?” Yes, I know plot-breaking question.

In order to post the question, I had to login, so I did. And of course it signed me on in an account, which I figured, it’s okay. Just a formality.

As it turns out, I ended up not even posting the question because it sounded so lame, and honestly, who would know the answer to that?? I mean anyone alive in 1768 probably would no longer be around to answer it. Except from the spirit world, in which case I would be fine if they kept their opinions to themselves. ( It’d be cool, actually, but this is a romance, not a horror story! )

Well, I got a robotic email welcoming me as a participant in the 2008 NaNoWriMo. And like the yes-person that I am, it’s like the PTA just asked me if I would please help with the Halloween party: I don’t have the gumption to say no and be labeled a Grand Party Pooper.

Part of me kind of wants to do this because there’s this horror story that has been brewing in my mind, and I think it is one of those stories that if I overthink I will lose the essence of, and I am really curious to see where it’d head.

But wait! What about my historical romance “Girl from Gurian”? If I try to write both, it’d be like trying to decorate light and airy in a gothic house of horror.

I have nine days to decide.

How about YOU? Is there something you really didn’t want to do, but you decided to do it, and were later glad you did?

And/or for any of you NaNoWriMo’ers out there: have you ever written a story for NaNo while working on another story? And how did you do?

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25 thoughts on “I Wasn’t Going To Do It

  • rcloenen-ruiz

    I’ll say this about the hinges question and nipa huts. I’ve never seen any hinges on any of the nipa huts in the place I grew up in. What I remember is this: the doors and windows were slabs of wood that were removed during the day and fastened on at night by inserting them into slots and sticking a stake into a hole in the windowsill to keep the slab of wood from falling out. This is from my memory of being inside a nipa hut sometime in the 1970s.

    The hinges must’ve come a lot later than that in the mountain provinces. In my grandparents house (built during the spanish period) the windows were indeed fastened by hinges, but that was very rare.

  • Annette Lyon

    I’ve never done NaNoWriMo–I haven’t dared. But this kind of thing would be what would drive me to it. I couldn’t NOT do it after getting signed up.

    Good luck with whatever you decide. 🙂

  • Lance

    I say, listen to your heart Jewel. Deep down, you’ll know what the answer is.

    To your part of – have I ever done something I didn’t want to, only to have it turn out positive. They answer is yes, and it has happened several times (why can’t I think of many right now????).

    The one that comes to minds was a training class I took here at work. I didn’t really want to, but was asked to participate from several people in the company. So I did it. And, you know what – it turned out to be a fun class, a very interactive class, and one in which I picked up some great stuff – stuff that applied to life not just work. It was all good.

    So, whatever you decide – I’m behind you 100%.

  • Celise

    Thanks for stopping by my blog, Miss Pink. I didn’t even know I was on Annette Lyons blog. I tried doing NaNoWriMo last year and, among other things, felt like #6. My creativity doesn’t work like that. LOL.

  • Firecat

    I’m still fence sitting as far as NaNo goes. I did it one year and even though I didn’t reach 50,000 words, I still had fun.

    On the one hand, I have three projects on the go already, but on the other hand I have this really great idea for a new on that just won’t leave me alone . . .

    I probably won’t decide for sure until October 31.

  • Pink Ink

    Annette: Well, Annette, you are doing great enough as it is without the kick-in-the-pants that NaNo is :-).

    Em: Yes! Abso-toot-ly. Check it out, and if you have any questions, feel free to email me. Last year was my first. You ought to give it a try, if you’ve been wanting to write a novel. 🙂

    Lance: Thanks! As much as I think it’d be cool to do it again…I know I have to be realistic, too. We shall see :-).

    Rachel: *make peace* I like that attitude :-). There’s just some things that shouldn’t be forced, eh?

    Melanie: I’ll be rooting for you. Good luck!!

    Stephanie: Funny, how that works, huh? Good luck to you, too!

    Janna: You are amazing, having little little kids and writing as much as you are doing. More power to you!

  • Pink Ink

    Q: Yes, that’s exactly how I feel!

    Serena: Thanks! *Intense* yeah, it was that, and fun, too.

    Celise: Let’s see, I think it was Annette’s post on Writing on the Wall. Welcome! As prolific as you are, you are doing something right, and I wouldn’t mess with it :-).

    Suz: Yeah, you should check it out.

    Firecat: Let’s keep each other posted :-).

  • Polenth

    I’m doing that this year. I have a science fantasy which I’m currently writing. My Nano will be a humorous fairytale fantasy. I don’t have any trouble switching between works (I do so all the time with short stories), but settling down to that much writing will be a challenge. So I don’t know how I’ll do, but it should be possible with some time management.

    Good luck with your multi-novel attempt!

  • Elizabeth

    Well it sounds to me as if you SHOULD do it.
    I have been thinking about it too. But I just am going to watch you guys from the sidelines I think.
    I just can’t see muself rushing a memoir and also the guidelines request no partially finished WIPs. They want you to start fresh.
    I don’t want to break the rules you know. That would be bad.

  • colbymarshall

    Here are my feelings on NaNo…you don’t have to do NaNo to have an awesome writing month. I never do it…I hate the formality of it. For me, I set a writing goal, then I get with another writer so I can check in and we cheer each other on. So it’s like having a NaNo ever month…FauxNaNo!

  • Pink Ink

    Marivic: The things I wish I’d paid attention to now! 🙂 I can probably DO it, but it’d be insane…

    Elizabeth: Too bad we can’t just FINISH an ms, eh?

    Colby: Good idea!

    Alison: Brilliant…bet you can’t just stop at 15, huh?

  • berlinwritergirl

    Hey I am doing Nano in my own way as I have already started the story. I still am going to get 50K if I can, but I am making up ways to reward myself throughout the month. If you want to do it my way check out my blog.