I am Saucy! 41

Pink Think: “You are a saucy little thing, aren’t you?” – Simon Cowell

A shout-out to my fellow SITStas! SITS, which stands for The Secret is in the Sauce is a blog that showcases different blogs daily. Apparently, “Pink Ink” made this week’s list of “Saucy Blogs”. I’m not sure exactly how my blog earned this distinction (and exactly what “saucy” means), but I’m tickled pink! Thanks, Tiffany and Heather!

Update…Tiffany and Heather of SITS explained how I made the cut: “We stopped by your blog after seeing you on SITS and thought other readers would enjoy it! You’ve got a great writing style, and we love the quotes!” Thank you, ladies!

I started out in March of 2008 thinking of this blog as a mere scrapbook of sorts for friends and family. It’s evolved since into a place where I not only record my pursuit of ha-pink-ness, but also a place where I hope my readers can share with me the joys of living authentically.

On this blog, I write a lot about writing and family. Sometimes, I feel they exist on opposite ends of a spectrum, but of late I have come to realize that they enhance each other.

Writing brings me immense joy, which makes me a better person, and thus a better mother and wife. Writing helps me pay closer attention to memories and experiences that would probably just fall by the wayside in the busy-ness of daily living.

And family has been a tremendous blessing. My kids help me experience that childlike wonder through their eyes. My supportive husband and his interesting career path has made it possible for me to enjoy opportunities that make for a richer, more fulfilling life.

By no means have I perfected this art yet. You’ll see in many of my posts that like you, I struggle with many imperfections, dark emotions that rob me of joy and deflate my self-worth. I try to be honest and real, and sometimes I wonder if I am putting too much of myself out there. My hope is that as I try to overcome these weaknesses and celebrate the many blessings in my life, perhaps someone else will say, “Yes, me too.”

Thanks to my blogger friends who’ve been with me early on, and to my new ones, thanks for stopping here. I hope you enjoy your stay. Feel free to share with me a little of yourself. I love getting to know you better, and I mean that.

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