Frustrating Days 18

Pink Think: “Success is not built on success. It’s built on failure. It’s built on frustration. Sometimes it’s built on catastrophe.” – Sumner Redstone

My oldest daughter and I have this routine when I pick her up from junior high. We talk about the day, and then I usually hover in the kitchen while she does her homework. Today, she struggled over some math problems, and I was about as much help as a raw potato. (Give me any spelling lists or essays, and I can wax eloquent, but math has never been my strong suit despite having a math teacher for a mother.)

When she finally figured it out, she said exuberantly: “Doesn’t it feel good when your day just goes well with your work? Like math and piano…”

Sure, I said, but deep inside, I was thinking, “I haven’t had that feeling the last few days.”


After a few attempts at querying agents on “Ghost Moon Night,” I have come to a sad conclusion. I don’t think it’s in its best possible shape yet. I have to re-work the second and third chapters and maybe up the word count so I can pitch it with confidence as adult fiction instead of the YA I had originally envisioned it.

And there I was thinking I was free and clear.

Meanwhile, my latest chapters of “Girl From Gurian” sound like a rip-off of a soap opera.

Sigh. I have a lot of work ahead of me.

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18 thoughts on “Frustrating Days

  • A Paperback Writer

    Hey, I’ve had a block on what to do next for my WIP for 2 days. Plus, I was just about ready to give up on my Half-Vampire novel. then today I got another request for a partial and found my notes on 15 agents I’d forgotten to query after I researched them.
    Oh yeah. I’m up and running again.

    May the same energy come to you.

  • Big Plain V

    Okay. Your manuscript isn’t in the best possible shape. By all means, rework it, but what’s this about ‘upping the word count’, and ‘pitching it as adult fiction’?

    You said, “After a few attempts at querying agents…” How many rejections have you had on this project? If it’s less than, say, twenty-five, you might just be suffering some o’ the old ‘reject blues’. That’s a bad time to make a major decision regarding your entire literary project.

    If you’ve already endured hundreds of rejections, and I’m just ignorant about it, then yeah, gut the whole thing and give it a good overhaul. But if the rejections are just now starting to trickle in, then I’d say let it ride. Maybe tweak your query. But don’t give in to any ‘knee-jerk’ urges.

    Sorry if I’m sticking my nose too far into your business, Pink, just hoping to help.

  • Pink Ink

    Maybe you’re right, BPV. I wanted to query this one agent, and emailed a client of his, who was very helpful, and she said that my word count might be too low for “suspense”. So I thought why risk rejection based on word count alone.

    I was ready to overhaul the whole darn thing. Rename it to “Nim’s Island” or something.

    This “categorizing in some sort of genre” is driving me insane.

    Thank you so much for your advice.

  • Big Plain V

    This “categorizing in some sort of genre” is driving me insane.

    I feel your pain. My latest book is technically an urban fantasy, but these days, that instantly conjures up images of vampires fighting werewolves; my story has neither.

    Again, sorry if my desire to be helpful got a little over-zealous – I get really worked up over this writing stuff.

  • Pink Ink

    BPV: Love your query btw that you posted on your blog. *a backpack of ants* sounded intriguing. No need to apologize; I appreciate your thoughts.

    Prince: Thanks for the encouragement. On the new blog look – thanks, I love it, too!

    Michelle: Thanks. Hope things are going better for you.

  • Josi

    You’re so not alone–I have 50 pages of 4 books and no clue what to do with page 51. The current one, that needs to be done by December, is already in need of major reworking. I keep thinking I”ll hit a point where it all comes easy–nope. In some ways it’s harder now that it was in the beginning when I was blissfully naive of rules and structure. I’ll sigh with you.

  • Pink Ink

    Don: Thank you. I hope to find the recipe someday.

    Josi: *In some ways it’s harder now than it was in the beginning when I was blissfully naive of rules and structure*

    Mmm. I’m not sure that makes me feel better. :-)You are so lucky to be living your dream! I hope someday I can be in your position and thinking of “back when I was blissfully naive”.

  • rcloenen-ruiz

    Finally got around to updating my experimental thing. Have renewed the template too and linked to your page.

    It sounds like you’re headed in the right direction (re: your novel). Even if it was a rejection, that the agent requested for a full is a good sign. Good luck on the subs and keep at it. You’ll find the right match sooner or later.