Everything and…the kitchen sink

Photo: my clean kitchen sink (and rubber ducky soap dispenser)
I am getting really good at this sprinting thing. Today, I wrote 2,279 words towards Book 3 in 3 separate 30 minute sprints. Why I haven’t I done this sooner? It’s amazing how the story flows when you are just writing and not letting your inner editor slow you down and paralyze you. This evening (after I had already reached my daily word count goal), I helped a fellow writer sprint by racing him. He needed to get 200 words towards a 50k goal before I washed a sinkful of dishes. I’d already gotten my word count but wanted to help a fellow author. It was a silly bargain, but hey, whatever works, right?
I have been creative lately, sprinting with an FB chat group during the day and with a blog sprint group sometimes at night. I could probably sprint on my own, but what’s the fun in that? It’s been so fun to not only get my word count in but to get to know fellow authors.

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