Dress Up Or Not?

Pink Think: “The theater is magical and addictive.” – Angela Lansbury

We watched the musical Into the Woods this past weekend. My husband and I had seen it once before in Colorado, and our kids were familiar with the music from a tape, but it was still fresh and funny as our first experience. I had fun watching my children laugh, cry and gasp throughout the entire show.

But the real drama occured before the show. This is the conversation that took place at home:

Me: Now you remember we are going to the theater today, don’t you?

Youngest daughter: Yes.

Me: Can you please wear a skirt or a dress?

Youngest daughter: *begins to throw a tantrum* No!! Why can’t I wear pants?

She begged and cajoled, and I tried to remain calm through it all by pointing out that it is good manners to go to the theater in nice clothes Maybe if she had nice slacks, I’d have said yes. I was relieved when, with more coaxing from my husband and I, about how good manners come with nicer clothes, she settled down and wore a skirt and blouse.

Then we went to the theater and hardly anyone was wearing nice clothes. I mean jeans were common, and when I sighted a few children wearing dresses, I pointed them out to my youngest, who sniffed and looked indifferent.

It was a little disheartening. I wondered why I made my kids dress up.

Why do I encourage my kids to dress up nice when they actually look more out of place than most people? Not just at theaters, but at wedding receptions?

Is it really worth the debate before each outing?

I know I do it because to me going to a play or a musical in a nice theater is a magical experience, and dressing nice is part of the magic.

What do YOU think? Is it worth dressing up for the theater?

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