Dear UPS Man 29

Pink Think: “The Internet is the most important single development in the history of human communication since the invention of call waiting.” – Dave Barry

Dear UPS Man:

When I heard the doorbell ring yesterday at 3:45 p.m., I thought it was you. Instead, I looked at the cute faces of my two younger children who were just coming home from school. Then I glanced down at the ice chest that had been sitting on our front porch to dry, and saw the flat package you had tucked behind it. You must have come and gone while I was shopping for groceries.

I wished I could have taken your photo holding the package out to me. Would you have agreed to it? Obviously I’m not the only package-recipient who has done this before because I googled “UPS man and photo” and several pages from Flickr popped up of you holding out a package or coming out of a truck, and what you had brought.

To you it was probably just a box:

and you weren’t aware of
what it meant to me, but it was something that I opened quickly just to feel and touch, marveling at how small and light the NEO keyboard was. As much as I wanted to try it out, my son was having a birthday party in two hours. I set it aside to bake a cake and get the house party-ready. Four hours of wonderful boy-energy and it was time for clean-up and bedtime.

At six-fifteen this morning, I got up, turned it on, and began my novel where I left off.

For about an hour, I typed out 803 words. The keyboard took a little getting used to as it felt more compact and I had to distinctly lift each finger to type, but the words flowed easily. I clicked off to step away to join the hubby for breakfast, and clicked on to the exact spot where I ended before. Best of all: no e-mail. No compulsive checking my blog for comments. I think it’s one of the best inventions next to the dishwasher!

You might not have realized it, UPS Man, but a routine stop for your job was nothing but extraordinary around here.


Readers, what about YOU? What invention are you glad for?

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29 thoughts on “Dear UPS Man

  • Firecat

    Aww, that’s so sweet you were able to show such restraint. I hope you get a lot of pleasure out of your Neo.

    I guess the invention I’m most grateful for would have to be the computer. Not only did it make my life a lot easier when it came to writing (and save the lives of many, many trees) but it connected me to the world.

  • Q

    Indoor plumbing! And washing machines. And central heating/air conditioning. And electric light bulbs. And vacuums. And insulation. There are much more, but those came to mind first.

  • Elizabeth

    In the adoption world, the UPS man gets his photo taken A LOT. He brings very important photos of babies. He’s like the stork.

    I am thankful for the invention of Reality TV!
    And my babysitter/nanny ( ok she’s not a robot but I love her. Because of her I get to go to yoga still and write).
    I am grateful for the love spell elixir my husband must drank when he met me. As he puts up with all my whims.
    Not what you were looking for?

  • CJ, the Purple Diva

    This was so funny,…and my UPS man and I are on first name terms…yes, you heard me…he talks to me every time…so your man must not know how important he is…I think you should leave him this letter..yes I do…
    okay inventions…laptop first of all, although I think I would love to have one of them things you have now…and cell phones oh yes I am…for reasons like road rage and the moron I ran into last week, and for TV’s yes, so I can watch my sleezy TV shows at night, cause girl you know I got to stay here on this earth, and if it weren’t for me watching those, I wouldn’t be here, and yeah, how about a fan, and some air conditioning, cause well, I don’t like sweating in the least, and yeah some drive thru’s to keep me from going hungry. Just keeping it real, you know!
    Hey, you aked!

  • Laurel

    That is awesome that you got your Neo Alpha Smart! I am happy that you did 🙂

    I am glad for the inventions of boys… JUST KIDDING 🙂 lol

    No, I am glad for computers, vacuums, dishwashers, phones, cars, books, music, email, man I can go on and on of what inventions I am grateful for 🙂

  • Lance

    It’s all in the eyes of the beholder! What’s just a box to one (the UPS man) is something completely different to another. You have a tool to help you work on your inspirations – and that pretty cool! Enjoy…

  • Amanda in GA

    Wow I don’t know if I could have waited to try it out. Good for you. Hope the birthday boy had a great time.

    I to am grateful for indoor plumbing but I am still waiting for the Jetson’s shower you know the one where it does it all for you including drying you off.

  • Mer

    I am lucky if I can get to my UPS boxes before they “disappear” off of my front porch. 😉

    Chocolate. And Cherry Coke. But not necessarily in combination or even next to each other.

    But I am convinced life without either would be a dull and dreary mess.

  • Ronda Hinrichsen

    I love my computer, my lap-top, and the internet. All make my writing life easier. But the day my husband gave me a dishwasher–a Christmas present–I cried. That will always be my favored “gadget” memory, I think.

  • Georgie B

    I am happy for the invention of the notebook, both electronic and paper, and the pen.

    Electronic, because I can translate all these nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives at the touch of a button and at the speed of light.

    Paper and pen, because it allows me the freedom to go wherever and whenever I actually need to get away from said notebook and its bells and whistles.

  • Evelyn Lim

    What a cute post! And to think that you address it to the UPS man. I guess it applies to almost anything: a thing may have different levels of significance to each of us. What differentiates is the value that we attach to it.

  • What A Card

    Oh fun! That looks so sleek and light and distraction-free!

    When I’m writing, I have to bring my laptop to a cafe or bookstore where I don’t have internet access so that I don’t obsessively check email or blogs or otherwise waste “just a minute”, that somehow blossoms into many minutes…

    I’m visiting from SITS, and really enjoying your blog. Excuse me if I leave too many comments 🙂

  • Pink Ink

    Firecat: Thanks.:-) I’m like you, I enjoy the connection with the rest of the world.

    Q: On a cold fall day like today, I would have to say YES!

    Elizabeth: That’s cute…he’s like a stork, alright:-).

    Em: When I read something Dave Barry writes, I wonder, “How does he do it?”

    CJ: Cute avatar :-). I was going to say cell phones, too. I don’t know how I survived the last decade without it :-).

    Laurel: Thanks. On your list…does it mean you help your mom around the house? Lucky her. 🙂

    Rachel: I dare you to just ask him outright if you can take a photo :-).

    Janna: Oh, gosh. I dunno…does this mean I have to change diapers, too? :-). I would say a boy, coz he’s not pink. And um, I’d name him Tristan. It’s romantic and chivalrous-sounding. Yeah…I’ve always wanted to name a baby boy Tristan. 🙂

    Weston: Hey, nice to see you. :-)Sure felt like Christmas!

    Lance: Thanks! Yeah, I hope he realizes he makes people’s days!

    Amanda: Welcome to my blog :-). Like a car wash? That would be cool, wouldn’t it?

    Mer: I freaked out a little when I saw it just sitting there…:-)

    Ronda: That’s sweet :-). I once asked my husband if something’s been invented so I could do chores and read books, and he mentioned the dishwasher. 🙂

    Georgie: When I camp, I love the feeling of writing in an actual paper-notebook, too.

  • Pink Ink

    Evelyn: Yes, our family gets such diverse packages around here, but the thing that’s constant is the big smile on the recipient’s face.

    What a card: I like writing in the Barnes and Noble cafe when I have the rare chance. Welcome to my blog, and feel free to comment as much as you want!

    Heather: I will! Thanks. 🙂

    Rachelle: I will, as soon as I figure out how to transfer the data and print!

  • Pink Ink

    BPV: As long as he brings me a great package every time, I don’t mind. 🙂

    Writer Dad: Welcome. 🙂 Yes, email sometimes can be a little distracting, can’t it? I’ve never tried Twitter, but I’m staying away from “one more thing”.

    Maya: Thanks! 🙂

    Tammy: Yes, happy days around here :-). I’ll post a more “technical” review another time.

    Colleen: Makes us feel like a kid again, the waiting, doesn’t it?

    Melody: Love having that too in my house, especially during dinner time :-).