Day In the Sun 21

Pink Think: “Let’s hear it for the boy!” – Deniece Williams

Yesterday, I found out that one of my blogger-writer friends landed the agent of his dreams for his YA novel. Congratulations, Big Plain V!! It’s finally happened…someone I know has made the transition from aspiring…to agented.

Sure, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a trifle jealous. But I’m Excited and Happy for him. If a guy ever needed a break, he did. For over a year, he’s been working the night shift at a hospital so he could write during the day, while his wife worked outside the home and took a major share of household duty. She deserves a major award.

I can’t help but feel humbled, too. In a good way.

A couple of months ago, I was turning in some photos at the state fair. Our family has been doing this for years now, entering photos at the state fair, since about 9/11. The fair worker complimented me about one I took, a farm sprinkler covered with ice. Beside me, a man submitting his own photos asked what division I was competing in. When I told him “amateur,” he told the worker, “I’m okay as long as we’re not submitting in the same category.”

“It’s my first time submitting,” he said, his face flushed with eagerness. He showed me a photo of a black lab. “I just love her. Isn’t she cute?” Then he said, “It’s all just for fun, anyway, right?” but I could tell that public recognition of his work would have meant a lot to him.

I smiled and nodded, remembering the first time I submitted something to the fair. So eager, excited, thinking my work was just what the judges were looking for…looking forward to the day when we would return to see a ribbon beside my work. Telling myself it was just for fun, but wanting to win badly.

When I returned to the fair that first year, I had a dose of reality check. I felt humbled. I discovered there were so many bolder, more talented and experienced photographers out there.

This recent fair, I saw the guy’s black lab photo, ribbon-less, but I hope the guy still thought it was fun and will decide to do it again next year.

When I first started writing fiction seriously three years ago, I felt eager and hopeful. I was proud of my little darlings, the short stories, and then my first novel last year which I finally learned how to finish after thirty-something years of unfinished novels. I won a couple of first-chapter contests, but I discovered this truth: there are so many other talented/hard-working writers ahead of me in the game!

Like Big Plain V who just nabbed an agent, and other novelists who post great news at the writer’s forum Absolute Write. And other writers still undiscovered, but have in their drawer Something Wonderful.

I’m no longer the bright-eyed newbie I used to be, but I know I still have a long ways to go. To measure myself against others, however, isn’t productive and not really fair. The best I could do is to keep at it and to put work out that I love. With every manuscript and page, I know I can only get better. If I keep writing, learning my craft and submitting, eventually I will have my day in the sun.

Meanwhile, three cheers for Big Plain V who is enjoying his!

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21 thoughts on “Day In the Sun

  • Tammy Warren

    Good morning! You visit my blog and are kind enough to comment…so you know I love photography. I have the same emotions toward those that I see entering contest for the first time. There is so much excitement and eagerness when you have that “shot” that you want the world to see. I have to say I am very humbled each time I decide to enter a contest. It does challenge me, thus forcing me to grow.

    That is great for your writer friend. I am quick at the fingers and I do not have the patience that it takes to be a good writer. My hat goes off to you for such talent. It is truly a gift.

    You have a wonderful Fall day. Get outside and get inspired.

  • Rachel Burton

    Nice post! I remember when I started querying my first novel. I was sure it’d get snatched up in no time. Then I got my first rejection. A fluke, I thought. Then they started piling up… This time I have a much better idea of what (and who) is out there. I’ve learned a ton about writign and publishing, but I also am more aware of the level of talent competing for agents’ attention. Congratulations to your friend!

  • Pink Ink

    Thanks Tammy. I sat in the sun and wrote. It felt fabulous :-).

    Rachel: There’s much to learn, isn’t there, including being kind to our writer-selves as we learn. :-).

    U.Lee: Thank you for your kind words.

  • Barbara Swafford

    Hi Jewel aka Pink Ink,

    Such honesty. You’re right. It’s often tough for us when we see family or friends get the break we’re hoping for. Being happy for them is essential. After all, we too will have our day in the sun and when it happens, we certainly want to hear the accolades as well.

  • Danyelle Ferguson

    Congrats to your annon friend! That’s awesome. I love your story about the fair. It’s so true that one side of you is totally 100% excited – and the other side just a teeny tiny bit jealous. I’ve been there too. But the jealousy melts away after a few days, which just leaves me filled with excitement for my friends. I hope you’ll find it will be the same for you.

  • Lance

    I think this post really shows your vulnerability, and I love that. I love that you are able to express just what your true feeling are in these moments. To speak honestly and from the heart, Pink Ink. You WILL have your day in the sun. Your writing style is unique – but more than that – it draws me in. Continue to do what you love. I’ll be here cheering you on…

  • Evelyn Lim

    What a great attitude! Thanks also for being so honest in what you feel about competition. You are right. Let’s just focus on putting our best work out and not be looking over our neighbour’s shoulder jealously!

  • Pink Ink

    Barbara: I hope to get better at this!

    Danyelle: Hi! I used to check out recently-agented writer’s blogs and decided I had to focus on my dream for a while so I wouldn’t be distracted.

    “Hi” back, Meaghan!

    Shari: Thanks. I know so too 🙂

    Lance: Thanks, your encouragement means a lot!

    Imelda: Hi and welcome 🙂

    Evelyn: Yes, off to do that right now… 🙂

  • Big Plain V

    Wow, Pink, I am really touched. Both by your honesty and your sincere well-wishes.

    You know this is my tenth book, right? I bring that up for one reason: to encourage you to




    No matter how many books you have to write, or how much time it takes.

  • Pink Ink

    Em: Glad it helped you. (You are awesome, you know that, don’t you? :-))

    CJ: Yes! Looking forward to that day mesself:-)

    S William: You will, too :-).

    Q: It is, isn’t it?

    BPV: Like Em said, yours is a “print-out” kind of comment and will take a prominent spot on my pink magnetic board. And I look forward to my pink tugboat. 🙂

    Parenting Pink: Thanks for stopping by and good luck to you, too on your writing aspirations.