I’ve joined the #100happydays challenge. Daily, for 100 days, I will post something that makes me happy. The challenge: Can you be happy 100 days in a row?
I’ve seen these memes on Facebook. Sometimes, when I stumble upon one that says “Day 158”, it feels like I’m joining the party a little too late. But the nice thing is, each post is interesting on its own. So…I’m in! At the risk of kicking myself for an unnaturally ambitious project, I will post on FB and here (so I can expound at length, a luxury that’s not as easy on FB.)
Today is the first day and I’m wandering the house looking for something to post. Like a scavenger hunt. So first, I took a picture of our mantel. Every time I look at it, it makes me happy.
But I don’t think it’ll show up all that good in a photo. So I walk around some more. Of course! My adirondack chairs on the front porch. I’d wanted to own a pair since forever, and now I do.
On a cool, rainy day like today, do they really make me happy? I shivered and went back in. And then I remembered my reaction this morning when I looked at the calendar.
Yes, yes, that makes me happy!