Color Me Happy 26

Pink Think: “Color is an intense experience on its own.” – Jim Hodges

Every Saturday, in the real estate section of the newspaper, I look for articles on color. It’s a habit I’ve had since seven years ago, when we moved into our rambler, trying to get ideas of how to infuse color onto our white walls. I love reading about the effect color has on moods, and how to use color to open up space or make it warmer.

It’s interesting how, in the last couple of years, I’ve not seen as many articles on color. Could it be a reflection of lean economic times? And yet I think paint is the cheapest way to re-do space in a home.

When I posted about my favorite writing spot earlier this week, I walked around my house, camera in hand, feeling a sense of completion. Over the years, I have, slowly but surely, infused color in our house. And my bedroom (which housed my writing spot) was the last of the major white walls to fall to my onslaught.

(Here are more photos, Melanie A.!)

Our dogs like to watch the world from our bright yellow front door.

But when my family comes home, we go through the garage. I felt like I could get away with something more bold and funky, so I painted it apple-green.

The apple-green paint was leftover from the kids’ dog-themed bathroom. This wainscotting is just a band of bright pink paint with white “paw prints” on it.

The first room I painted in the house was the kitchen. When I take down Christmas decorations in January, the red banishes post-holiday decorating blues. In the afternoon when the sunlight hits the room, I think of Italy (as I imagine it).

There is more red above the hearth in the adjoining family room, which is yellow on top and chocolate brown beneath. My beagle Emmie likes to loll there when I write.

When I want some Peace and Quiet, or want to play the piano, I sneak into our front room which has decor from South Korea (my husband served an LDS church mission there) and the feel of the Orient. The wall behind the piano is green.

I spend a lot of time in the laundry room, so one night I decided to paint it the same blue as my daughters’ bedroom. (I must have been bored, what can I say?)

I admit, this is what happens when paint is cheap and you don’t think re-sell!

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26 thoughts on “Color Me Happy

  • Jannie Funster

    Yes, paint is cheap and makes the quickest impact. Your place looks really cheery.

    I got the biggest kick out of the beagle lying on the carpet that way dogs do. I call it the “introspective” pose.

    So fun to have found your blog!!

  • Tulsi

    Hi. I came over from SITS. I LOVE color on the walls. So far we only have red in the kitchen – must be the kitchen color of choice – but repainted the porch. Oh, I did do the guest room. Our ceilings are higher than normal high ceilings, so I have to decide if I want to paint a room that much. The colors you chose are so fun. I have motivation now. We have been here for 2 years and haven’t even opened all of the boxes to put things away. I really need to get to that, too!

  • berlinwritergirl

    When we went to buy the paint for our remodel the guy thought I was insane. 13 different colors, 22 total types of paint. We will have a yellow room with cheery trim, a yellow room with Liquid blue trim. A yello room, with one wall lunar eclipse blue and all the trim bright red. One room green with white trim, one white with green trim. One green with purple accents, some tans, a dark brown. Lets just say there will be color. Now am I ready to paint all that?
    BTW Your house colors are great, makes me excited for mine.

  • Eudea-Mamia

    I LOVE that you painted your laundry room. I want to do that so bad, but I’m trying to find a way to not involve the Hubby in the paint color choice. He figures since he has to move the washer/dryer, he gets a say.

    Anyone have a dumb ox they can rent out? Cheap?


    (I think your word verification box is speaking to me – it says – empurpti. I think purple it is!)

  • Lance

    I love the color Jewel! Although…I admit I’m the boring one who would choose off-white — although you’re making me rethink that! My wife, on the other hand, is the one who likes to inject some color into our rooms. And, she’s the one who likes to paint…Anyway, all the rooms look very nice – and my favorite is the red kitchen – extra cool!

  • Laura Aston

    I totally agree with painting the laundry room a fabulous color. Why stick to white, pale white, cream or pale yellow. Be bold and choose color so every time you go to do laundry you feel inspired.


  • Pink Ink

    Janna: Thanks. I know, it’s kinda bright, but fun.

    Jannie: I think dogs have got the right philosophy :-).

    Marivic: Yeah, it makes a mood, doesn’t it? I’m not surprised you go for color, you’ve got such a fun personality :-).

    Melanie: We’ve had a few of those around here. I still have buckets of paint as proof. I think the yellow front door is from an experiment gone awry :-).

    Tulsi: Welcome :-). I only paint up to where I can reach, since I usually do it all by myself :-). Someday I want to hire someone to do the ceilings.

    Sabine: Hooray for you. Sounds like fun!!

    Em: Well, I didn’t move the washer and dryer, that’s how I did mine :-). I just painted above them. Go for purple!

    JN: ‘kay, I did. 🙂

    Q: That was the idea 🙂

    Lance: Well, good for you letting your wife have fun with colors :-).

    Laura: There’s no windows in our laundry room, so I had to do something to bring the sky in there :-).

    Rachel: Me, too. I admit, sometimes I walk to the front of the house just to see the yellow front door :-P.

  • Melanie Avila

    I love it! Especially the texture in the kitchen. Our walls are concrete so they come with texture, but I’d love to experiment with different effects. My sister has a purple laundry room and I think it’s a great idea to brighten it up!

    Also, love the bathroom, the doors, and all the rest of the colors. I almost painted our back door with the leftover red but that might have been more than my hubby could handle. 😉

    Thanks for posting these!

  • Pink Ink

    Heather: Red would have been my second choice!

    BPV: Yeah, I do have color on my brain, don’t I?:-)

    Elizabeth: I still love red, but I think I am in my pink phase.

    Heidi: Thanks for stopping by. Wow, a compliment from a creative person like you makes me feel good.

    Melanie: I had you in mind when I posted these photos. Glad you enjoy ’em!