Almost There 6

Pink Think: “My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of M&Ms and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.” – Dave Barry

I am 12,061 words away from my word count goal on my revised manuscript. I know I’m almost there, but it seems like such a long way away still.

It reminds me of a hike we took this past week. We took the kids up to Delicate Arch in Arches National Park in southern Utah. It is a 3-mile hike round trip, and the getting-there part is steep. By the time we reached two-thirds of the way, I was winded (okay, so I am out of shape) and my body ached. We passed people who were on their way back; they walked leisurely, part of a club who had “made it.” Some of them smiled, some of them told us encouragingly, “You’re almost there.”

Then we turned a corner and right there, as promised, was Delicate Arch, in all its glory. I went hot and cold; I couldn’t believe it. We stood under it for photos; basked in the “prize”.

It was my turn to encourage people on their way up. Someone’s wife had turned back. A pity. She was oh, so close.

I’m almost there, I know. Thanks for the encouragement.

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6 thoughts on “Almost There

  • ~paulette

    LOL–I LOVE that quote!

    And hey, i’ve been to that park (like a long time ago) I went with my mom and dad when i was a kid, and i remember running up ahead and assuring my mom that it was “just around the corner”. Course, by the time we got there, we had made many many MANY corners. 🙂 She wasn’t the happiest camper in the world

  • Jewel Allen

    Yeah, Dave Barry is a wonderful goofball, isn’t he?

    I had been to Delicate Arch once before, in college. We got off the trail and went around it, nearly falling off the face of a cliff (well, that’s how it felt anyway). So this time around was much easier. Funny that you’d remember it as a lot of “corners”.

  • berlinwritergirl

    Way to go on word count. Don’t give up! I went and saw Jessica Day George speak yesterday. 188 rejections–but Dragon Slippers is a great book. I am glad she didn’t give up adn your fans will be glad that you didn’t.

    Delicate Arch is a tough one, but well worth it. I personally am a Zion NP lover myself. Go Angel’s Landing!

  • Jewel Allen

    188 rejections…wow. She’s got spunk, that girl. I heard her speak, too, back in February. I laughed so hard it hurt.

    I haven’t been back to Zion’s in a long time. I just remember it was cold when I went. I’ll have to check that trail out someday.

    I’m down to 9,530 this morning and counting…