A minimalist approach to creating


It’s foaling time. Our family doesn’t have any baby horses, but all around us, pastures have cute little foals popping up. As an avid hobby-photographer, I like to chase down these photo opps.

The other day, I went over to take photos in my neighbor’s pasture. Between bugs, the mom standing in the way of the foal, a gelding who acted protective of the foal, I couldn’t get very good pics. The photo quality depended, too, on the amount of light from the sun, the angle, the background. The list was endless. I just chose a spot, crouched down and waited, hoping for good pics. I never did feel like I had good ones. When I came home, I edited them to the best I could but decided they were not my best.

Creating takes time. Today, I thought about returning to the field to take pics once again…and I was just like, no. No more running around. I could exhaust myself chasing these perfect images, chasing perfect words.

I recently shared my sprinting techniques with other authors, and was asked by many to join the author’s group I am with. Then realized it was like a can of worms to start a sprint group.

I had to step back.

I am an author, first and foremost. And a councilwoman and mom. Everything else has to take a backseat or I will drive myself crazy. It’s my attempt at a minimalist approach.

PS I liked this photo because of the texture of the barbed wire behind the mom and foal. The white-black tail is from a gelding.

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