Precious beauty

Pink Think: “Your precious beauty is unique. There’s never been anyone like you and never will be again.” – from “Shine” by Jade Ambroze

Do you recognize your precious beauty?

You’d think after giving a speech to National Honor Society inductees a couple of weeks ago where I told them to “Be original,” I would be following my own advice.

Instead, this is what happened. My daughter was reading Blackmoore by Julianne Donaldson. I flipped through a few pages and thought it was beautiful writing. I remembered how much I loved Regency romances when I had my first baby and was trying to adjust to being a stay-at-home mom. I started to think:

Maybe I should write this kind of stuff.

Why am I writing horror novels? What’s wrong with me?

Maybe I should choose a different setting than the Philippines. England. Yes. England would be infinitely better.

And then my 15 year old son gave a Family Home Evening lesson last night about being yourself, and not trying to put on a mask. He said if you are happy with yourself, then you won’t have a problem being yourself.

Thanks to my son, I got thinking, why do I like to compare myself to others when I have talent and gifts in my own unique way?

I love a little snippet of a song that I used in an Animoto video for my oldest daughter’s 18th birthday. It said, “Your precious beauty is unique. There’s never been anyone like you and never will be again.”


In this vein, I’ve decided to take a 2- part workshop on writing ghost stories starting tomorrow night. I am super-excited. I’ve always loved writing scary stuff, and it’ll be interesting to learn more about the genre.

I’m also putting on my metaphorical workboots and taking a 5-part workshop/support group in November so I can truly put my head into NaNoWriMo.

Don’t know why all this fiction energy is rearing its head, especially when I am in the middle of cool client projects and a Treasured Stories ribbon-cutting on Thursday, but I’ll take it!

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